
Mappers details missing

FransS1945 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm submitting a (bug report/feature request/ support or question)

Brief Description

<OSMcha delivers details about the changeset / mappers info. However these listings don't appear. On the top right side normally you can rank the mappers work. Bad / good , Not visible as well

What is the motivation / use case for this feature?

inform a mapper about his mapping quality.

What is the current behaviour, (attach relevant screenshots) ?

What is the expected behaviour ?

When does this occur ?

How do we replicate the issue ?

  1. Open from the history details (in JOSM) of a mapped object in OSMcha.
    2.OSMcha opens a new window whith details of the changeset. Now without datails.

Please tell us about your environment:

JOSM on Firefox in windows 11 home.

Other Information / context:

OSMcha no details shown

When you open the changesets from the tab in TM4, OSMcha opens correct with details.
OSMcha with  details shown