TMS layer for Philippines MapWithAI detections

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Facebook released their country export of their MapWithAI detections, including the Philippines here

To help with visualization and validation, a WMTS layer is made available by the TabangAI project hosted courtesy of Mapbox: https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/osmph/ck21d55mx10gu1clclasftm17/wmts?access_token=sk.eyJ1Ijoib3NtcGgiLCJhIjoiY2syMWVqaTR1MTlrNjNtdWcwZ3pseG01eSJ9.c1cgQJX9P8pzQoGXWIgurQ

NOTE: This layer's features was simplified, to reduce the file size, and will have a slightly different geometry with what's actually available from RapiD.

For example, in JOSM just add a new imagery layer with the value wmts:https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/osmph/ck21d55mx10gu1clclasftm17/wmts?access_token=sk.eyJ1Ijoib3NtcGgiLCJhIjoiY2syMWVqaTR1MTlrNjNtdWcwZ3pseG01eSJ9.c1cgQJX9P8pzQoGXWIgurQ