
cannot import name 'AggFuncTypeDict' from 'pandas._typing' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/_typing.py)

KrishnaMohinani opened this issue · 9 comments


Thanks for this amazing package. I am trying to do get_B1760 but unfortunately it gives me an error and also it shows the warning 'Data request was successful but no content was returned'

Anyway to fix this problem?

Thank you.

Hi @KrishnaMohinani, I'm glad you've found the package useful.

Could you post the code you used (without the API key) as well as the error so I can better help you, thanks.

Hi @AyrtonB,

I think I have fixed the issue. Thanks anyways

Hi @KrishnaMohinani and @AyrtonB,

I seem to be facing the exact same issue and would be quite interested in how you managed to fix that, @KrishnaMohinani.

Here's the code I am using:

from ElexonDataPortal import api
import pandas as pd

client = api.Client('my_API_key')
start_date = '2022-01-01'
end_date = '2022-01-02'

df = client.get_B1760(start_date, end_date)

Which returns:
B1760: 0%| | 0/48 [00:00<?, ?it/s]C:\Users\corentin.jankowiak\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\dev\utils.py:29: UserWarning: Data request was succesful but no content was returned
warn(f'Data request was succesful but no content was returned')
B1760: 100%|██████████| 48/48 [00:13<00:00, 3.54it/s]

Same result with 'get_BOD', 'get_B1740', and with other start/end date values, however I do get a non-empty response with 'get_B0610', and other streams.

Thanks for the work in building this module, very useful!

Hi @CorentinJankowiak,

I don't exactly remember how I fixed the issue but I also used another package:

Check this out and I think you should be able to extract data from elexon portal quite easily.

Hi Both,

@CorentinJankowiak are you able to retrieve data for those dates when making a raw request using the inbuilt requests library? Sometimes B1740/60 and BOD can be a bit slower to update (though if you're querying January I would expect it to be there). If its being returned within those raw requests then I'll dig in to why they're not being passed through the wraper.

Hi both, thanks a lot for the quick responses!

@AyrtonB, I tried a number of date ranges with the same outcome so I doubt it comes from slow updates from Elexon's side. Otherwise, not sure if that's what you meant but I've tried using the 'raw' method as follows:

from ElexonDataPortal import api

api_key = my_api_key

r = api.orchestrator.raw.get_BOD(
SettlementPeriod= '*'

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(r.content.decode('utf-8')), skiprows=1)


I may be doing it wrong, but it throws the following error: "EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file" - which seems consistent with the original error.

@KrishnaMohinani Thanks for the recommendation - I gave it a try, not as user friendly but seems to be working for the data streams I'm interested in!


The problem stems from the fact that the default parameters are auto-populated from Elexon's documentation, if you specify '' (all) as the value then data will be returned. I've just pushed an updated version to pypi where these defaults are now set to ''.


Works now :) thanks, @AyrtonB!

That's great! Thanks for confirming, I'll now close this PR