can not build steamVR-OSVR

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Description of issue

I managed to build SteamVR-OSVR distrib with cmake without error messages, but there no file in output dir

Steps to reproduce the problem

see the attached doc "trying to build OSVR-teamVR.pdf"

How can the problem be reproduced?
by following the process described in "trying to build OSVR-teamVR.pdf". Did it 2 times in different directory.

System configuration

Please specify any relevant system configuration information.

  • Graphics card(s):
  • Operating system: win10 64b
  • Version of SteamVR:
  • Version of SteamVR-OSVR: latest downladable on github

Attached files

Please attach the following files:
Trying to build OSVR-steamVR.pdf

Try the following:

  • Build and install jsoncpp.
  • git clone --recursive https://github.com/OSVR/SteamVR-OSVR.git
  • Create a build directory.
  • Run CMake, set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to point at the OSVR SDK root directory for your architecture. Also add the root dir of jsoncpp to that list if it's installed in a different location.
  • Then click Configure and Generate.
  • Finally, open the .sln file and build it.

I can not make it work, see Trying to build OSVR_2.pdf

Instead of setting the CMAKE variables as environment variables, you can pass them to the cmake.exe command-line program:

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:/whatever -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:/whatever

The output you showed means that CMake couldn't find the jsoncpp files.

The first error is linked to the localisation of builded jsoncpp lib. If I set the variable to D:\dev\jsoncpp\build\src\lib_json\Release where there is the jsoncpp.lib generated there is no error on make, but there are errors on compilation of .sln file.
If I used the jsoncpp libs given in the readme of SteamVR-OSVR there are no errors at all, but some warning regaring static json library. But If I put the "driver_osvr.dll" found in D:\dev\SteamVR-OSVR\build\src\Release into the 0.8.0 steamVR-OSVR dir, steamVR can not start...
Compilation is a quite complex process for noobs like me.
What should I do in visual studio to compile OSVR-SteamVR once the cmake is done without errors ?
Then what files should I have in what directory ?

I used "dependency walker" to compare the the distributed and compiled version of driver_osvr.dll. It looks like there are some problem with de dependacy of the OSVR suite, and also that the compiler add specific "API-MS*" dll ?

The DLLs with D at the end of their name refer to debug builds. You should build a Release or RelWithDebInfo build instead. Make sure you copy all the required DLLs to the same directory as your driver_osvr.dll file. (If you build the INSTALL project, it will copy all the required DLLs over for you. Set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMake variable to where you want everything installed.)

You can ignore the API-MS-* warnings.

I found how to have all the dll copied by Visual studio (use of deploy menu option). But when I copy the generated dll into the 0.8.0 steamVR install (at the right place) steamVR is still not working...
And there is still references of debug dll in the dirver_osrv.dll, even if I have choosen the "Release" option in VS...

Things are going worse : I can no more compile the driver...
I uninstall Visual studio and installed it again
I get again SteamVR-OSVR from github using the "git" command
I am able to compile a test program in 32 or 64 bit (checked in task manager)
I am able to compile jsoncpp library and have the right package
But I have now the following error message when I tried to generate the solution for steamVR-OSVR:
I joined the cmakecahe.txt and a copy of the log for the comilation on Visual studio

Edit : I discovered that a lot of variables are not set by cmake-gui or have incorrect value. SO I fill the CMakeCache.txt but I still have the same compilation problem.
Here is the last version :
What should I use for osvrDisplay_LIB_DEPENDS:STATIC, osvrDisplay_LIB_DEPENDS:STATIC and osvrDisplay_static_LIB_DEPENDS:STATIC ?

Here is a guide that summarize the things I have done to compile the driver:
STEAMVR-OSVR compilation for noobs.pdf