
An Error Occured while loading the archive

MikzTwix opened this issue · 3 comments


I encounter some error on the data sets while extracting the content each.

I try to extract Empire DCsync for testing but failed to extract

Please see the screen shot of the error.

Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 10 56 09 PM

But the other files like the Day1 of APT29 is extractable.

Hey @MikzTwix , can you share the link for the dataset and how you are trying to decompress it?

to be exact the empire_dcsync on the defense evasion folder.

I tried it right now and it seems working no error receive decompressing the tar gz file.

ahh niceee! ok thank you checking again. if it works now, then I will close this issue. i believe you have an issue to import it to HELK right?