To use:
- runsim.m is the main script. Robot, sensor and controller attributes are edited here, as well as the simulation loop, and any plotting. To use this simulation, edit and run this script.
- Contoller.m is the class for the PID controller
- DDR.m is the class used to calculate differential drive vehicle kinematics
- IR_sensor.m is the class used to sense where the robot is relative to the track
- LineConstruct.m is the class used to build the track for the robot to follow
- InterX.m is a set of functions used by the sensor to find distance from a path
Robot Attributes
- Robot Base speed (cm/s)
- Wheel Radius of robot (cm)
- Track width of robot (cm)
- Starting Position of robot (cm)
Sensor Attributes
- Width of Sensor (cm)
- Distance of sensor from the robot (cm)
Controller Attributes
- Kp (Proportional Gain)
- Ki (Integral Gain)
- Kd (Derivative Gain)
- Controller Set Point
- Saturation Limits
There are multiple built in tracks for the line follower model to use, but it is reccomended to use the Line track for tuning the robot: