
Let's improve build steps and include Travis

UlisesGascon opened this issue ยท 7 comments

After the efforts to improve the e2e testing (#142 #143). The next step will be to improve the build steps.


  • Include Travis, so we can run the e2e tests in all the PRs. See: #147
  • Migration from Grunt to Npm Scripts
  • Harmonize the JS Style with Standard and Prettier
  • Let's add git hooks for linting and testing with Husky

What do you think, @ckarande?

Love it! It would be a very valuable addition. ๐Ÿ‘
We should make a release with these features in and before starting on major refactoring at the code level. Thank you.

Sounds great! โœจ

I'd advise that we do all of those in their own separate PRs (as smaller units of work as possible) so that we are able to move fast instead of having big-bang PRs that add risk and take a longer time to review.

Great advise @lirantal! I will generate separare PRs ;-)

I started to work in the Grunt refactor. Most of the tasks are simple to relocate as npm scripts. But regarding regression and security tests. Right now we are using ZAP, as @binarymist suggested maybe we can use purpleteam.

My approach to this refactor will be to keep grunt only for current security test until we can start the migration to purpleteam if you agree. What do you think @ckarande @lirantal @KoolTheba?

I agree. ๐Ÿ‘

Happy to see how this works out as well. Keep up the great work โœจ

CLose as duplicated in #148