
nodegoat.herokuapp.com not working

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting application errors with any of the documentation links in the README, it looks like your heroku app isn't working.

Hi @synedra! Thanks for alert us about it, seems like the service is down.

@ckarande can you help us? Maybe we can have a look together, I guess there is a problem with the Dynos policies once restart.

The Common Runtime implements an incremental backoff policy for crashing dynos:

  • The first time a dyno crashes, it will be restarted immediately.
  • If the dyno crashes again, it will be subject to a cool-off period before a restart is attempted.
  • The first cool-off period is up to 20 minutes, the next one is up to 40 minutes, then up to 60 minutes, up to 180 minutes and finally up to 320 minutes.
  • After the 320 minute cool-off period is reached, restart attempts happen every 320 minutes.
  • The cool-off period will be reset when the dyno starts correctly, or when you push a new release to your app, or when you restart your app (for example, by typing heroku restart), or when you scale your dynos to 0 and then scale them back up again.

The Private Spaces Runtime does not have a backoff policy. When a dyno crashes it will be continuously restarted with no cool-off period.

In OSW we had a system in place to restart and update the machine by default with Kubernetes. If we need devops support I can ask @jvidal-sysadmin for support :-)

@synedra thanks for reporting it.
@UlisesGascon thanks for the information. I had to manually deploy the app and seems to have fixed it but I will monitor the automated deploy process on changes to master and dig more if the issue continues.