
Add Loading Spinner to Angular Web App

juhiechandra opened this issue · 1 comments

As a contributor, I want to see a loading spinner when the web app is loading so that I know the page is still loading and not frozen.


  • Create a loading spinner component.
  • Use a popular UI library such as Bootstrap or Material UI, or create a custom component.
  • Add appropriate animations and styles to make it visually appealing.
  • Implement the loading spinner in the app.

My Steps:

  • Verify that the loading spinner displays and hides correctly.
  • Test the spinner with various network conditions (e.g. slow network speeds).
  • Include screenshots or gifs of the spinner in action.
  • Seek approval from team members.

Feedback from existing codebase:
Use Material UI of Angular.
However as this library is 5 years old, team can certainly decide to use a new UI library.

Note: To pick up this item later