crapi-workshop is unhealthy

elit3pwner opened this issue · 6 comments

Can you provide the logs of the containers to help us debug.

Can you provide the logs of the containers to help us debug.

Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Creating test database for alias 'mongodb'...
root ERROR /workshop/api/mechanic/signup - {'name': 'MechRaju', 'email': 'mechraju@crapi.com', 'mechanic_code': 'TRAC_MEC_3', 'number': '9123456708'} - 400 -{'password': [ErrorDetail(string='This field is required.', code='required')]}
django.request WARNING Bad Request: /workshop/api/mechanic/signup
.django.request WARNING Bad Request: /workshop/api/mechanic/signup
.django.request WARNING Bad Request: /workshop/api/mechanic/signup
.django.request WARNING Unauthorized: /workshop/api/mechanic/
django.request WARNING Unauthorized: /workshop/api/mechanic/
.django.request WARNING Unauthorized: /workshop/api/mechanic/
..root ERROR /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic - {'mechanic_api': 'https://www.google.com', 'number_of_repeats': 5, 'mechanic_code': 'TRAC_MEC_3', 'vin': '9NFXO86WBWA082766', 'problem_details': 'My Car is not working'} - 400 -{'repeat_request_if_failed': [ErrorDetail(string='This field is required.', code='required')]}
django.request WARNING Bad Request: /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic
.root INFO Repeat count: 0
root INFO Repeat count: 1
root INFO Repeat count: 2
root INFO Repeat count: 3
root INFO Repeat count: 4
root INFO Repeat count: 5
django.request WARNING Bad Request: /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic
Fdjango.request ERROR Service Unavailable: /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic
..root INFO Repeat count: 0
root INFO Repeat count: 1
root INFO Repeat count: 2
root INFO Repeat count: 3
root INFO Repeat count: 4
root INFO Repeat count: 5
django.request WARNING Not Found: /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic

I have the same problem,this is my logs

same problem, main branch can't normal startup


same problem, develop branch can't normal startup. and trying the "docker volume rm" also does not solve the problem,and pulls the latest branch.
The error seems tobe that the "password" and "repeat_request_if_failed" fields are not set.

XuCcc commented

same problem

crapi-workshop  | Creating test database for alias 'default'...
crapi-workshop  | Creating test database for alias 'mongodb'...
crapi-workshop  | root         ERROR    /workshop/api/mechanic/signup - {'name': 'MechRaju', 'email': 'mechraju@crapi.com', 'mechanic_code': 'TRAC_MEC_3', 'number': '9123456708'} - 400 -{'password': [ErrorDetail(string='This field is required.', code='required')]}
crapi-workshop  | django.request WARNING  Bad Request: /workshop/api/mechanic/signup
crapi-workshop  | .django.request WARNING  Bad Request: /workshop/api/mechanic/signup
crapi-workshop  | .django.request WARNING  Bad Request: /workshop/api/mechanic/signup
crapi-workshop  | .django.request WARNING  Unauthorized: /workshop/api/mechanic/
crapi-workshop  | django.request WARNING  Unauthorized: /workshop/api/mechanic/
crapi-workshop  | .django.request WARNING  Unauthorized: /workshop/api/mechanic/
crapi-workshop  | ..root         ERROR    /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic - {'mechanic_api': 'https://www.google.com', 'number_of_repeats': 5, 'mechanic_code': 'TRAC_MEC_3', 'vin': '9NFXO86WBWA082766', 'problem_details': 'My Car is not working'} - 400 -{'repeat_request_if_failed': [ErrorDetail(string='This field is required.', code='required')]}
crapi-workshop  | django.request WARNING  Bad Request: /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic
crapi-workshop  | .root         INFO     Repeat count: 0
crapi-workshop  | root         INFO     Repeat count: 1