
๐Ÿž Bug: Highlight is set to one color

snikoletopoulos opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Before reporting:

  • Ensure that the issue is reproducable on the main branch.
  • Ensure that there isn't an issue on this(either open or closed).


When using headers, either with #, === or --- the color is always red.
Same for block quotes.

When viewing highlights with Telescope they are set to this red color.


It was working 2 days ago.

Let me know if you need more info or if you have any suggestions to debug it if it is my own config.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Open a markdown file with headings

Expected behavior:

No response

Neovim version:


Unless the colorscheme you use explicitly sets the @markup.heading or @markup.heading.n.markdown to a single color this wouldn't happen.

A bit of context,
Before the plugin wouldn't directly use @markup.heading(instead the Diagnostics highlight groups were used). This came with the flaw that the previews & the tree-sitter highlights wouldn't match in some colorschemes. This is the reason this was changed.

I am experiencing the same issue with Catppuccin. In insert mode, the colors display correctly with tree-sitter, but in normal mode, is entirely white.

I am experiencing the same issue with Catppuccin. In insert mode, the colors display correctly with tree-sitter, but in normal mode, is entirely white.

What does :hi @markup.heading.1.markdown say?

Also, you should check markdownH1 & @markup.heading highlight groups since their colors are used.

Also, a screenshot of the issue would be great!


    dependencies = {
    config = function()
        local presets = require("markview.presets")

            filetypes = { "markdown", "quarto", "rmd", "Avante" },
            checkboxes = presets.checkboxes.nerd,
            headings = presets.headings.marker,

Normal mode:


Insert mode:


:hi @markup.heading.1.markdown



I can't reproduce the issue. I am also using catppuccin.

@rachartier maybe try creating a minimum repro.

Create a repro.lua file and paste this in it.

vim.env.LAZY_STDPATH = ".repro"
load(vim.fn.system("curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/folke/lazy.nvim/main/bootstrap.lua"))()

    spec = {
            opts = {
                ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline" }
            lazy = false
            priority = 1000


Then run,

nvim -u repro.lua test.md

And see if the issue persists.

Thanks, I've found the issue. Maybe @snikoletopoulos does have the same issue: I was using lazy loading on catppuccin/nvim with event = VimEnter and by removing it, everything is now working perfectly.

Thank you !

I'm having a similar issue:

I'm using onedark and I wanted to use custom colors for H3, H4, H5.
In my usual config, the headings use the treesitter highlighting, so I overrid the treesitter @markup.heading.4... hl-groups
But markview inherited the colors from the markdownH4,... highlight group, so it rendered them the old colors.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I managed to reproduce it with this config:


vim.env.LAZY_STDPATH = ".repro"
load(vim.fn.system("curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/folke/lazy.nvim/main/bootstrap.lua"))()

    spec = {
            build = ":TSUpdate",
            config = function()
                local configs = require("nvim-treesitter.configs")
                local opts = {
                    ensure_installed = { "markdown" },
                    highlight = {
                        enable = true,
            lazy = false

            lazy = false,
            config = function()
                require('onedark').setup {
                    style = 'warmer',
                    highlights = {
                        -- ["markdownH4"] = { fg = "$green" },
                        ["@markup.heading.4.markdown"] = { fg = "$green" },
                        -- ["markdownH5"] = { fg = "$blue" },
                        ["@markup.heading.5.markdown"] = { fg = "$blue" },
                        -- ["markdownH6"] = { fg = "$dark_cyan" },
                        ["@markup.heading.6.markdown"] = { fg = "$dark_cyan" },


Sorry if this would have been better as a new issue @OXY2DEV