
✨ Feature: Set foldcolumn for split window

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The nature of the feature:

  • Parser(syntax, conceal etc. related)
  • Renderer(style, options etc. related)
  • Support(plugin support, language support etc. related)
  • Other


Greets. Normally, I set foldcolumn=auto. When splitting, I don't want to see the column in the window used to render the markdown. I tried passing foldcolumn = 0 via split_conf but it seems that parameter isn't meant to be used for such purposes.

Use the split_enter callback. See wiki.

  callbacks = {
    split_enter = function (_, win)
      -- Whatever you want to set

As the preview buffer is a nofile buffer if you use a plugin for the statuscolumn, it may ignore the preview window.
In that case you will have to manually set it.