
How to search joined column?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

How to search joined column?

Hi @tsulatsitamim could you please provide a detailed description of what you are trying to do?

I've query

const services = await Service
  .join('categories', 'categories.id', 'services.category_id')
  .select('services.*', 'categories.name as category_name')

I want to include category_name in search

You can create a Category model for the categories table, add it as an association on the Service model and then add categories.name as a searchable column on the Service model. For example:

import { search } from 'adosearch'

class Category extends BaseModel {
  name: string

class Service extends BaseModel {
  @hasMany(() => Category)
  categories: HasMany<typeof Category>

  static search = search(this, ['categories.name'])

Hope this helps

I'v datatable on front end, which will sort the column key, if I use categories.name as column key, the sort will not work.

Not sure what you setup looks like but I think this is out of the scope of this package so I'll be closing this issue.