Generic service

This role allows you to configure a generic third-party service on your system.

It includes :

  • Creating a user
  • Managing permissions
  • Managing log files
  • Managing init scripts

Role Variables

The main variable of this role is genericservice. It contains a list of the services that you want to run, each service has the following parameters :

Variable Default value Description
name Mandatory The name you want to give the application. By default it will be used to name the system service and the systems users
service_type Forking Define unit file service type
subpath Mandatory Contains the name of the top-level directory inside the tar/zip, or the relative path in which the application is already extracted
deploy_method Method to used to deploy new version of archive. Default, based on archive name. In case archive name is the same between version, you can used checksum to defined if a new version must be deployed. Value can be empty for default or "checksum".
system_username Same as name The name of the user created to run the service
system_groupname Same as name The name of the group created to run the service
system_home None Optional variable to specify user home dir
create_service true Specify if this role should create service
source_file None If this parameter is given, a tar/zip file at this path will be copied and extracted to the server
source_url None If this parameter is given, a tar/zip file at this path will be downloaded and extracted to the server
source_sha256 None This parameter is mandatory if source_url has been given. It contains the SHA-256 sum of the downloaded file
source_checksum None Alternatively, the "ALG:VALUE" checksum, example : SHA1:671608f9df6e44e379d78362557b8ec0659145d9
source_filename None Set this parameter to the archive file name if it cannot be guessed from the URL
log_glob None If this parameter is given, the corresponding log files will be rotated automatically
start_command None If this parameter is given, this command will be used to start the service
start_command_opts None If this parameter is given, add content as start command options in case of environment variables cannot be used
stop_command_opts None If this parameter is given, add content as stop command options in case of environment variables cannot be used
stop_command None Mandatory if start_command is provided, this command will be used to stop the service
chowned_dirs None If this parameter is given, it is expected to be a list, and each subdirectory will be chowned to the service user
needed_packages None If this parameter is given, the list of packages it contains will be installed
env_vars None If this parameter is given, it must contain a hash of environment variables which will be exported to the service on startup
limitopenfiles None If this parameter is given, the maximum number of open file descriptors is set to its value
do_start True Start the generic service at the end of the tasks list (disable it when the service isn't operational until a further role configures and starts it)
firewall_port None if this parameter is given, add rules on firewall configuration to allowed access to service. Add list of port in format portnumber/proto (example: 8080/tcp)

If neither source_file nor source_url is given, the role will assume that the application has already been deployed by some external means.

source_filename, log_glob, chowned_dirs, start_command and stop_command are relative to the path the archive will be extracted into (see examples).

start_command or stop_command can be relative, in which case they will be anchored to the directory in which the application is deployed, or absolute.

Additional variables you can define for this role, outside the generic-service one, are :

Variable Default value Description
genericservice_root /srv Path under which the services will be installed

Example Playbook

Here is how to use the role to install ActiveMQ :

- hosts: servers
      name: activemq
      source_checksum: sha256:5ae90f4ea6caa3af7d9f79d1cc55b575dd44170b1451f096494e1a356828d35f
      subpath: apache-activemq-5.11.1
      start_command: bin/activemq start
      stop_command: bin/activemq stop
      log_glob: data/*.log
        - "data"
        - "tmp"
        - openjdk-7-jre
          JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre
      limitopenfiles: 4096

     - generic-service

If you want to install multiple services, either use multiple plays, or call the role multiple times with this syntax :

- hosts: servers
     - role: generic-service
         name: service1
     - role: generic-service
         name: service2
