
Ansible role to managed PostgreSQL.


The only external dependency is the python bindings for PostgreSQL, which this role will install.

Role Variables

Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_service_name postgresql Name of postgresql service for the init
postgresql_admin_user postgres Name of the administrative user for
postgresql_admin_group postgresql_admin_user Name of the administrative user for
postgresql_listen_addresses Listen address postgresql service bind to
postgresql_locale en_US.UTF-8 Default locale
postgresql_etc_dir /etc/postgresql Default configuration directory
postgresql_data_dir /var/lib/pgsql/data Path to the PostgreSQL data directory
postgresql_pid_dir /var/run/postgresql Path to the PID directory
postgresql_enable_cron_backup no Whether to deploy a cron to database backups
postgresql_backup_dir /var/backup/postgresql Path to where database backups should be
postgresql_backup_age 0 Maximum age of backups to keep in days
postgresql_backup_compression gzip Compression to use for backups

Note: Custom user configuration must be defined in postgresql_etc_dir/conf.d/02-custom.conf file which override default PostgreSQL settings.

Monitoring user options :

Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_monitoring_enable True Boolean to enable monitoring user
postgresql_monitoring_user centreon PostgreSQL monitoring username
postgresql_monitoring_pass autogenerated PostgreSQL monitoring assword

Kernel tuning options for postgresql :

Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_sysctl_vm_dirty_background_ratio 1 Avoid letting too much data waiting in memory (vm.dirty_background_ratio)
postgresql_sysctl_vm_dirty_ratio 10 Avoid saturation of the disk during write time (vm.dirty_ratio)
postgresql_sysctl_vm_swappiness 10 Push down the swap usage, which is not good for postgresql (vm.swappiness)
postgresql_sysctl_vm_zone_reclaim_mode 0 This allocation mechanism is useless for postgresql (vm.zone_reclaim_mode)
postgresql_sysctl_kernel_shmmax 100% of RAM Maximum size of shared memory segment in bytes (kernel.shmmax)
postgresql_sysctl_kernel_shmall 4194304 Total amount of shared memory available in pages of 4K (kernel.shmall)

PostgreSQL tuning options:

Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_shared_buffers_prct 0.25 Shared buffers is the area where PostgreSQL keeps a cache of data blocks, contrary to MySQL, you must not put all your memory there, because PostgreSQL is intended to be used with the OS-level filesystem cache. Using too much memory here will lead to inefficient cache duplication.
postgresql_shared_buffers 25% of RAM
postgresql_work_mem 1MB This is the amount of memory that PostgreSQL can use for sort operation, hash tables (GROUP BY...) etc. before switching to a temporary table, the default value is usually fine unless you have really big tables. In which case you might want to increase this parameter. Be careful however, because each client can allocate work_mem more than once, so putting too much here might make your server run out of memory.
postgresql_maintenance_work_mem_prct 0.05 This is the amount of memory that PostgreSQL can use for heavy operations like ALTER, VACCUUM, etc... Not many of them will run simultaneously, so you can put a bigger value than work_mem here.
postgresql_maintenance_work_mem 5% of RAM
postgresql_checkpoint_segments 16 The number of WALs that can be filled before a checkpoint is triggered.
postgresql_effective_cache_size_prct 0.5 This parameter is a bit different than others, it will not cause any memory allocation, it is only used to help the query planner by telling how much memory it can count on. You can fine-tune it by observing how much OS-level cache is available during normal server operation, and adding it to postgresql_shared_buffers.
postgresql_effective_cache_size 50% of RAM
postgresql_log_min_duration_statement 500 Log query ran for at least the specified number of milliseconds.

You can define client authentication with what is traditionally named pg_hba.conf. There are two variables to control this: postgresql_pg_hba_conf_default and postgresql_pg_hba_conf

Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_pg_hba_conf_default [] A list of allowed clients.keys type, database, user,
address, and method
postgresql_pg_hba_conf empty list This is defined the same as postgresql_pg_hba_conf_default
postgresql_auth_method_default md5 postgresql_auth_method_default

Defaults value:

 - { type: local, database: all, user: "{{postgresql_admin_user}}", address: '',             method: peer  }
 - { type: host,  database: all, user: all,                         address: "", method: md5 }
 - { type: host,  database: all, user: all,                         address: "::1/128",      method: md5 }

You can define what databases and users to create using postgresql_databases and postgresql_users.

Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_databases [] A list of databases to manage
name name of the database. It mandatory
owner owner of the database
encoding UTF-8 language encoding
lc_collate en_US.UTF-8 Collation order
lc_ctype lc_collate Character classification, defaults to same as lc_collate
template template0 template used to create the database
state present


  - name: example
Variable Default value Descriptions
postgresql_users [] A list of users to manage
name name of the database user.It mandatory
password the user's password. It mandatory
encrypted a boolean for whether the password is stored hashed
priv privileges to grant user on a database
db name of database privileges are associated with
role_attr_flags role attributes for the user
state present


  - name: icarus
    password: poor-password
    db: example
    priv: ALL
  - name: another_user
    password: poor-password
    db: anotherdb
    priv: ALL


No dependency on other roles.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: postgresql-server
      postgresql_data_dir: /srv/postgresql
        - name: "odoo"
        - name: odoo
          password: "y6uC65m91CMO2"
          db: "odoo"
          priv: ALL



Author Information