Bug - ISOL valves disregard source bleed load
Octal450 opened this issue · 1 comments
Octal450 commented
Describe the bug
When an ISOL valve is open, any load (such as packs) on the source bleed is ignored, and the receiving bleed receives the incorrect (too high) PSI.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
- Set Ready to Start state
- Verify APU Bleed and Start Engine 1
- Verify ISOL1-2 on
- Observe incorrect PSI on Bleed 2 compared to Bleed 1
- Same occurs for 1-3 ISOL, and with any source or receiving bleed. This can be reproduced many ways even with engines all running, but I found its easiest to reproduce using the Ready to Start state and APU bleed
Expected behavior
Receiving bleed and ISOL valve PSI should match source bleed PSI
System (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 10 Professional
- FlightGear version: 2020.2.0
Additional context
This can be solved by having the ISOL valves take the pressure from the source after the delta PSI, but before (or disregarding) other ISOLs. May need to re-order bleed calculations to do this. (See Systems/md-11-pneumatics.xml)