
DNS Flooding

buffedelic opened this issue · 1 comments


Today I installed AdGuard on my homeassistant pi and noticed alot of dns request from my Octopi. And I mean ALOT, 200 queries per hour at least.
I tracked it down to this plugin, as soon as i disabled it the dns queries stopped.

On my network I have some name resolution problems, I activated the plugin and changed to static ip and it also took care of the problem.

I would suggest some kind of timeout after multiple DNS requests resulting in NXDOMAIN or similar. In other words, when the plugin is not able to connect to domain or ip gives by the user.

Are you sure it's caused by this plugin? Maybe take a look at the connectivity check of OctoPrint first. It regularly pings some server (I thing github.com or octoprint.org) to check if it still has internet connection.