
[Feature Request] Publish current layer + total layers to mqtt

sefininio opened this issue · 7 comments

What were you doing?

Please add information of total print layers and current layer in the hass/progress topic, so it will be available in HA.

What did you expect to happen?

I expected to see total & current layer information in mqtt hass topic

What happened instead?

I could not find that information in mqtt hass topic

Version of OctoPrint

Version 1.8.6

Version of the MQTT plugin


Used MQTT broker and its version

mosquitto mqtt version 1.6.9

Having the plugin DisplayLayerProgress installed (and event messages enabled) there are added topics that include the information you're looking for.

I installed the DisplayLayerProgress plugin, but how can I verify event messages are enabled?

I installed the DisplayLayerProgress plugin, but how can I verify event messages are enabled?

Under the MQTT plugin settings, go to the Topic Tab, ther you'll find the Activate event messages checkbox.

Below is a screen snip showing the MQTT topics added. Though probably you'll have to start a print first for the topics to appear.


Got it, thanks. I'll check it out on the next print. Thanks!

OK, I do see those events on MQTT, but they are not discovered by HA, even though I have home assistant discovery plugin installed :(

Additional MQTT topics are indeed not auto discovered by HA, as the discovery plugin has no way to include that.

However there are wel documented ways to create MQTT automations and sensors.

E.g. I've got a Current Layer sensor setup like so:

    - name: 'Octoprint current layer'
      state_topic: 'octoPrint/event/DisplayLayerProgress_layerChanged'
      value_template: '{{ value_json.currentLayer }}'

Yup, I eventually implemented it in nodered. Thanks for all your help!