
No Print Time with Vase Mode?

jeremyhaynes217 opened this issue · 1 comments

Does printTime not work when printing in vase mode? I've printed several things and the printTime and completion has been working fine, but I started printing something in vase mode today and it's showing 0 on both. It's showing up on octoprint and I had it analyze the Gcode and didn't start printing it for like 10 minutes after it started analyzing, so it should have been fully done by then. The only time it updates is if I hit Deploy in Node Red.

{"location": "local", "path": "Vase_Large_Tiwst.gcode", "progress": 0, "printer_data": {"state": {"text": "Printing", "flags": {"operational": true, "printing": true, "cancelling": false, "pausing": false, "resuming": false, "finishi ng": false, "closedOrError": false, "error": false, "paused": false, "ready": false, "sdReady": true}}, "job": {"file": {"name": "Vase_Large_Tiwst.gcode", "path": "Vase_Large_Tiwst.gcode", "display": "Vase_Large_Tiwst.gcode", "origin ": "local", "size": 46575897, "date": 1601576765}, "estimatedPrintTime": 36729.547018760546, "averagePrintTime": null, "lastPrintTime": null, "filament": {"tool0": {"length": 26625.954239999635, "volume": 0.0}}, "user": "volrath217"} , "currentZ": null, "progress": {"completion": 9.017539694404597e-05, "filepos": 42, "printTime": 0, "printTimeLeft": 36729, "printTimeLeftOrigin": "analysis"}, "offsets": {"tool0": 0}}, "_timestamp": 1601580779}

It's still got a while before it finishes so I haven't been able to make sure it still works with regular prints, but if it was a known issue then I'd just like to know now. If not, then I'll test it this weekend and open an issue if needed.

2 and a half hours in when it completed the base and moved to the spiral part it sent 1 data report, I guess it won't do it in spiral mode because it doesn't get whatever command tells it to stop doing the base and start doing the spiral, which must be what triggers it to send an update.