
[Request] Prusa XBuddy: handling auto-pause

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

When the printer goes into Paused state due to some problem (nozzle dirty, failed autolevel), it disables its heaters until explicitly told to continue via M602 or M603.

Restarting the print job thus doesn't work because the printer goes through all the motions but of course nothing gets extruded. Also, setting the temperature in Octoprint does nothing.

Describe the solution you'd like

What Octoprint should do to mitigate this situation is to monitor the temperature (both current and target) after a "successful" M140/M190. If the real temperature is way off, or the target temperature as reported by M155 doesn't change, the print should be stopped with an error.

Describe alternatives you've considered

A possible workaround is to add a "blind" M603 to OctoPrint's start code, but that's on the user. It's also not obvious that this is necessary because the Prusa unhelpfully doesn't say that it's paused on its display.

Additional context

Maybe the "heating doesn't work" error message could point the user to the possible necessity to send a M603 (added to the start gcode, manually, …).

This seems more like a firmware bug that should be reported to Prusa.

I did that too.

However, ultimately the problem is that the printer reported to Octoprint that it's paused, i.e. it behaves as if it received a M601. If Octoprint wants to continue or restart printing it might be expected to un-pause the thing.

Simply starting to print is obviously not sufficient, and a quick glance over the g-code list on the RepRap wiki doesn't yield clues as to which other commands should, or should not, auto-un-pause.

Can you please share a serial.log of such a situation?

Can you please share a serial.log of such a situation?



For the record, that firmware doesn't just not say that it's still in a paused state on the display as you say, there's also no way to see that on the serial communication. And frankly, the reset of the target happens SO late after the initial pause that it rather looks like a bug in whatever else it is going through here at the start rather than anything intentional. Annotated serial.log follows

// something fails during probing, firmware sends `action:pause` to the printer

2024-03-28 20:38:57,622 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as NOK (low-precision)
2024-03-28 20:38:57,623 - Recv: echo:enqueueing "M118 A1 action:pause"
2024-03-28 20:38:57,624 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:38:57,625 - Recv: // action:pause
2024-03-28 20:38:57,626 - Pausing on request of the printer...
2024-03-28 20:38:57,627 - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Pausing"
2024-03-28 20:38:57,629 - Send: N38 G0 Z5 F480*7
2024-03-28 20:38:57,653 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:38:57,678 - Send: N39 M400*29
2024-03-28 20:38:57,969 - Recv:  T:184.00/185.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:67.68/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:37 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:37 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:20.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.10/0.00 B_3_0:20.10/0.00 B_0_1:20.60/0.00 B_1_1:23.70/0.00 B_2_1:27.00/0.00 B_3_1:26.80/0.00 B_0_2:21.90/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:23.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.20/85.00

// At this point `T1` is still at a target of 185degC

// [...]

2024-03-28 20:39:07,312 - Send: N40 M114*19
2024-03-28 20:39:07,320 - Recv: X:42.13 Y:-7.41 Z:5.00 E:-3.00 Count A:2800 B:3919 Z:3885
2024-03-28 20:39:07,354 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:07,363 - Changing monitoring state from "Pausing" to "Paused"

// now OctoPrint has processed the pause

2024-03-28 20:39:07,967 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:67.85/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 

// T1 is still sitting at a stable 185degC

// [...]

2024-03-28 20:39:33,965 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:68.67/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.30/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.10/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:23.90/0.00 B_2_1:27.50/0.00 B_3_1:27.30/0.00 B_0_2:22.10/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.50/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00

// Print gets resumed

2024-03-28 20:39:34,671 - Changing monitoring state from "Paused" to "Starting"
2024-03-28 20:39:34,736 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2024-03-28 20:39:34,743 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:34,747 - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing"
2024-03-28 20:39:34,806 - Send: N1 M73 P0 R17*34
2024-03-28 20:39:34,814 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:34,817 - Send: N2 M201 X7000 Y7000 Z200 E2500*9
2024-03-28 20:39:34,831 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:34,854 - Send: N3 M203 X450 Y450 Z12 E100*13
2024-03-28 20:39:34,860 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:34,872 - Send: N4 M204 P4000 R1200 T5000*85
2024-03-28 20:39:34,877 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:34,881 - Send: N5 M205 X8.00 Y8.00 Z2.00 E10.00*12
2024-03-28 20:39:34,905 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:34,963 - Send: N6 M205 S0 T0*37
2024-03-28 20:39:35,052 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,089 - Send: N7 M17*18
2024-03-28 20:39:35,163 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,165 - Send: N8 M862.3 P "XL"*126
2024-03-28 20:39:35,574 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,585 - Send: N9 M862.5 P2*127
2024-03-28 20:39:35,605 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,609 - Send: N10 M862.6 P"Input shaper"*29
2024-03-28 20:39:35,662 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,683 - Send: N11 M115 U5.1.2+13478*71
2024-03-28 20:39:35,734 - Recv: FIRMWARE_NAME:Prusa-Firmware-Buddy 5.1.2+13478 (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Prusa-XL EXTRUDER_COUNT:6 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff
2024-03-28 20:39:35,735 - Recv: Cap:SERIAL_XON_XOFF:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,736 - Recv: Cap:BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,736 - Recv: Cap:EEPROM:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,738 - Recv: Cap:VOLUMETRIC:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,739 - Recv: Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,740 - Recv: Cap:PROGRESS:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,741 - Recv: Cap:PRINT_JOB:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,742 - Recv: Cap:AUTOLEVEL:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,742 - Recv: Cap:Z_PROBE:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,743 - Recv: Cap:LEVELING_DATA:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,744 - Recv: Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,744 - Recv: Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,745 - Recv: Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,746 - Recv: Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,746 - Recv: Cap:EMERGENCY_PARSER:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,747 - Recv: Cap:PROMPT_SUPPORT:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,748 - Recv: Cap:AUTOREPORT_SD_STATUS:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,748 - Recv: Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1
2024-03-28 20:39:35,749 - Recv: Cap:MOTION_MODES:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,750 - Recv: Cap:CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE:0
2024-03-28 20:39:35,750 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,755 - Send: N12 M155 S2*80
2024-03-28 20:39:35,816 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,838 - Send: N13 G90*34
2024-03-28 20:39:35,876 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,898 - Send: N14 M83*45
2024-03-28 20:39:35,952 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:35,974 - Send: N15 M555 X200.977 Y309.872 W57.0832 H25*34
2024-03-28 20:39:36,017 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:36,035 - Send: N16 M862.1 T1 P0.4*24
2024-03-28 20:39:36,086 - Recv: ok

// all tool heaters but T1 get disabled

2024-03-28 20:39:36,124 - Send: N17 M104 T0 S0*23
2024-03-28 20:39:36,178 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:36,200 - Send: N18 M104 T2 S0*26
2024-03-28 20:39:36,258 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:36,280 - Send: N19 M104 T3 S0*26
2024-03-28 20:39:36,348 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:36,370 - Send: N20 M104 T4 S0*23
2024-03-28 20:39:36,426 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:36,428 - Send: N21 M217 Z2*92
2024-03-28 20:39:36,503 - Recv: ok

// bed temperature gets set

2024-03-28 20:39:36,504 - Send: N22 M140 S85*104
2024-03-28 20:39:36,569 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:36,585 - Send: N23 G0 Z5*87
2024-03-28 20:39:36,637 - Recv: ok

// T1 gets set to 185degC again

2024-03-28 20:39:36,639 - Send: N24 M109 T1 S185*23

// temperature report confirms T0 and T2 through T5 are off, T1 at 185degC target (and temperature) and the bed at 85degC target (and temperature)

2024-03-28 20:39:36,716 - Recv:  T:184.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:68.73/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/185.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.30/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.60/0.00 B_1_1:23.90/0.00 B_2_1:27.50/0.00 B_3_1:27.40/0.00 B_0_2:22.10/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.60/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00 W:0
2024-03-28 20:39:36,750 - Recv: ok

// Printer gets homed in XY, temperatures stable

2024-03-28 20:39:36,758 - Send: N25 G28 XY*5
2024-03-28 20:39:37,844 - Recv:  T:184.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:68.78/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:39 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:39 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.30/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:23.90/0.00 B_2_1:27.50/0.00 B_3_1:27.30/0.00 B_0_2:22.10/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.60/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:38,812 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:39,133 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  X:42.00
2024-03-28 20:39:39,339 - Recv: echo:Backoff ipos:29664
2024-03-28 20:39:39,811 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:69.45/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:39 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:39 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.30/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.00/0.00 B_2_1:27.50/0.00 B_3_1:27.40/0.00 B_0_2:22.20/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.70/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:40,718 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  X:-53.00 Y:-7.00
2024-03-28 20:39:40,811 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:41,808 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:69.86/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.40/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.00/0.00 B_2_1:27.60/0.00 B_3_1:27.40/0.00 B_0_2:22.20/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.60/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:42,015 - Recv: echo:Backoff ipos:-43344
2024-03-28 20:39:42,626 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Y:-9.30
2024-03-28 20:39:42,811 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:43,027 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Y:2.20
2024-03-28 20:39:43,427 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Y:-9.30
2024-03-28 20:39:43,809 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.22/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.40/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.10/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.00/0.00 B_2_1:27.60/0.00 B_3_1:27.40/0.00 B_0_2:22.20/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.70/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:43,831 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Y:2.20
2024-03-28 20:39:44,046 - Recv: X:-1.87 Y:-4.21 Z:10.14 E:-3.00 Count A:-464 B:144 Z:8000
2024-03-28 20:39:44,061 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:44,073 - Send: N26 G1 F24000*76
2024-03-28 20:39:44,077 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:44,091 - Send: N27 T1 S1 L0 D0*68
2024-03-28 20:39:44,122 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:44,124 - Send: N28 M84 E*64
2024-03-28 20:39:44,167 - Recv: ok

// Printer gets homed in Z, temperatures stable

2024-03-28 20:39:44,169 - Send: N29 G28 Z*82
2024-03-28 20:39:45,810 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.22/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:20.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.50/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.00/0.00 B_2_1:27.60/0.00 B_3_1:27.40/0.00 B_0_2:22.20/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.70/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:46,172 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:47,366 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:2.99
2024-03-28 20:39:48,095 - Recv:  T:185.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.52/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:185.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.60/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.70/0.00 B_3_1:27.50/0.00 B_0_2:22.30/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.80/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:48,171 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:48,704 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:2.99
2024-03-28 20:39:50,097 - Recv:  T:184.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.79/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:38 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:38 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.50/0.00 B_1_0:20.30/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.80/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.70/0.00 B_3_1:27.50/0.00 B_0_2:22.20/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.80/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:50,161 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:2.99
2024-03-28 20:39:50,171 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:51,624 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:2.99
2024-03-28 20:39:52,030 - Recv: X:30.00 Y:30.00 Z:2.00 E:-3.00 Count A:4822 B:-42 Z:1485
2024-03-28 20:39:52,032 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:52,042 - Send: N30 G0 Z5*85
2024-03-28 20:39:52,062 - Recv: ok

// set and wait for bed, temperatures stable

2024-03-28 20:39:52,065 - Send: N31 M190 S85*103
2024-03-28 20:39:52,082 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:52,085 - Send: N32 G1 X232.977 Y302.872 Z5 F24000*1
2024-03-28 20:39:52,097 - Recv:  T:184.00/185.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.02/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/185.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:40 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:40 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.60/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.70/0.00 B_3_1:27.50/0.00 B_0_2:22.20/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.80/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:52,131 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:52,133 - Send: N33 M302 S160*86
2024-03-28 20:39:52,145 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:52,149 - Send: N34 G1 E-2 F2400*5
2024-03-28 20:39:52,160 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:39:52,162 - Send: N35 M84 E*76
2024-03-28 20:39:53,526 - Recv: ok

// Another probe, firmware sets target of T1 to 0!

2024-03-28 20:39:53,529 - Send: N36 G29 P9 X200.977 Y302.872 W32 H7*65
2024-03-28 20:39:54,094 - Recv:  T:184.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.00/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.60/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.70/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.70/0.00 B_3_1:27.50/0.00 B_0_2:22.30/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.90/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:54,514 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:39:55,532 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:23.20
2024-03-28 20:39:55,540 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:56,096 - Recv:  T:184.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.86/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:184.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.20/0.00 B_0_1:20.80/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.70/0.00 B_3_1:27.50/0.00 B_0_2:22.30/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:23.90/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:56,271 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:39:56,703 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:39:57,536 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:57,734 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:23.00
2024-03-28 20:39:58,095 - Recv:  T:183.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.75/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:183.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:20.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.80/0.00 B_3_1:27.60/0.00 B_0_2:22.40/0.00 B_1_2:42.60/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.00/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:39:58,474 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:39:58,909 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:39:59,535 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:39:59,966 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:22.80
2024-03-28 20:40:00,098 - Recv:  T:181.00/0.00 B:85.00/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.66/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:181.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.80/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.80/0.00 B_3_1:27.60/0.00 B_0_2:22.30/0.00 B_1_2:42.60/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.00/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.00/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:00,713 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:00,715 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:00,723 - Send: N37 G0 Z5 F480*8
2024-03-28 20:40:00,728 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:00,731 - Send: N38 M107*30
2024-03-28 20:40:00,734 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:00,737 - Send: N39 M84 E*64
2024-03-28 20:40:01,380 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:01,383 - Send: N40 G29 P1*103
2024-03-28 20:40:01,386 - Recv: Default storage slot 0 selected.
2024-03-28 20:40:01,392 - Recv: Mesh invalidated. Probing mesh.

// Bed still at 85, T1 without target and rapidly dropping while another probe is run

2024-03-28 20:40:02,097 - Recv:  T:179.00/0.00 B:85.00/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.63/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:179.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:22.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.80/0.00 B_3_1:27.60/0.00 B_0_2:22.30/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.00/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.00/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:02,462 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:03,386 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:04,096 - Recv:  T:178.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.64/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:178.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.80/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:27.90/0.00 B_3_1:27.70/0.00 B_0_2:22.40/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.00/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:05,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:05,951 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:19.53
2024-03-28 20:40:06,096 - Recv:  T:176.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.68/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:176.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:27.90/0.00 B_3_1:27.70/0.00 B_0_2:22.40/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.00/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:06,688 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:07,280 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:07,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:07,668 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:22.61
2024-03-28 20:40:08,098 - Recv:  T:175.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.65/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:175.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:27.90/0.00 B_3_1:27.70/0.00 B_0_2:22.40/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:08,401 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:09,001 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:09,382 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:25.70
2024-03-28 20:40:09,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:10,095 - Recv:  T:173.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.62/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:173.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.10/0.00 B_2_1:27.90/0.00 B_3_1:27.70/0.00 B_0_2:22.50/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:10,147 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:10,728 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:11,129 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:28.79
2024-03-28 20:40:11,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:11,866 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:12,098 - Recv:  T:171.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.54/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:171.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:27.90/0.00 B_3_1:27.80/0.00 B_0_2:22.40/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:12,477 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:12,908 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:28.79
2024-03-28 20:40:13,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:13,640 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:14,098 - Recv:  T:169.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.50/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:169.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.90/0.00 B_1_0:20.60/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.00/0.00 B_3_1:27.80/0.00 B_0_2:22.50/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:14,233 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:14,534 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:25.70
2024-03-28 20:40:15,270 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:15,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:15,869 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:16,097 - Recv:  T:168.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.54/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:168.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.00/0.00 B_3_1:27.80/0.00 B_0_2:22.50/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.00/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:16,162 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:22.61
2024-03-28 20:40:16,902 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:17,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:17,497 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:17,810 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:19.53
2024-03-28 20:40:18,095 - Recv:  T:166.00/0.00 B:84.90/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.72/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:166.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.80/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.00/0.00 B_3_1:27.80/0.00 B_0_2:22.50/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:84.90/85.00 B_3_3:85.00/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:18,546 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:19,156 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:19,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:19,597 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:19.53
2024-03-28 20:40:20,094 - Recv:  T:164.00/0.00 B:85.00/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.80/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:164.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.20/0.00 B_3_0:20.30/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.00/0.00 B_3_1:27.80/0.00 B_0_2:22.50/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.10/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.00/85.00 B_3_3:84.90/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:20,333 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:20,927 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:21,297 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:22.61
2024-03-28 20:40:21,386 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:22,032 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:22,094 - Recv:  T:163.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.76/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:163.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.10/0.00 B_3_1:27.80/0.00 B_0_2:22.50/0.00 B_1_2:42.60/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.20/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.00/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:22,641 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:23,026 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:25.70
2024-03-28 20:40:23,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:23,762 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:24,096 - Recv:  T:161.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.68/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:161.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.40/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.10/0.00 B_3_1:27.90/0.00 B_0_2:22.60/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.30/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.00/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:24,355 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:24,771 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:28.79
2024-03-28 20:40:25,385 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:25,505 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:25,823 - Recv: X:288.00 Y:288.00 Z:2.00 E:-5.00 Count A:46102 B:-42 Z:1485
2024-03-28 20:40:25,824 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:25,829 - Send: N41 G29 P1 X30 Y0 W130 H20 C*24
2024-03-28 20:40:26,095 - Recv:  T:159.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.68/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:159.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.60/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.10/0.00 B_3_1:27.90/0.00 B_0_2:22.60/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.30/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.00/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:27,831 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:28,096 - Recv:  T:158.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.77/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:158.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.10/0.00 B_3_1:27.90/0.00 B_0_2:22.60/0.00 B_1_2:42.60/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.30/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.00/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:29,221 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:29,832 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:30,094 - Recv:  T:156.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.89/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:156.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.30/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.20/0.00 B_3_1:28.00/0.00 B_0_2:22.60/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.30/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:31,831 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:32,097 - Recv:  T:155.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:31.00/36.00 A:70.98/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:155.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.50/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.20/0.00 B_2_1:28.20/0.00 B_3_1:27.90/0.00 B_0_2:22.60/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.80/63.70 B_0_3:24.40/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:33,713 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:13.36
2024-03-28 20:40:33,831 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:34,094 - Recv:  T:154.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.03/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:154.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:22.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.60/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.20/0.00 B_3_1:28.00/0.00 B_0_2:22.60/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.30/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:34,463 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:35,060 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:35,285 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:10.27
2024-03-28 20:40:35,831 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:36,019 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:36,094 - Recv:  T:152.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.08/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:152.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.70/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.20/0.00 B_3_1:28.00/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.40/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:36,611 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:36,826 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:7.19
2024-03-28 20:40:37,562 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as NOK (low-precision)
2024-03-28 20:40:37,831 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:38,096 - Recv:  T:151.00/0.00 B:85.10/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.15/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:151.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.70/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.20/0.00 B_3_1:28.00/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.40/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.10/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:38,139 - Recv: echo:Re-tared with offset -6.74
2024-03-28 20:40:38,140 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:38,483 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:7.39
2024-03-28 20:40:39,215 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:39,817 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:39,830 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:40,045 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:4.10
2024-03-28 20:40:40,093 - Recv:  T:149.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.17/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:149.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.80/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.30/0.00 B_3_1:28.00/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.40/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:40,781 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as NOK (low-precision)
2024-03-28 20:40:41,333 - Recv: echo:Re-tared with offset 12.40
2024-03-28 20:40:41,334 - Recv: echo:Starting probe at 1
2024-03-28 20:40:41,706 - Recv: echo:endstops hit:  Z:4.30
2024-03-28 20:40:41,831 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:42,094 - Recv:  T:148.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.15/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:148.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:22.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.80/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.30/0.00 B_2_1:28.30/0.00 B_3_1:28.10/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.50/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:42,459 - Recv: echo:Probe classified as clean and OK
2024-03-28 20:40:42,825 - Recv: X:43.14 Y:10.29 Z:2.00 E:-5.00 Count A:4296 B:2586 Z:1485
2024-03-28 20:40:42,826 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:42,829 - Send: N42 G29 P3.2*123
2024-03-28 20:40:42,911 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:42,914 - Send: N43 G29 P3.13*74
2024-03-28 20:40:43,157 - Recv: Extrapolating mesh...done
2024-03-28 20:40:43,159 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:43,161 - Send: N44 G29 A*67
2024-03-28 20:40:43,165 - Recv: Unified Bed Leveling System v1.01 active
2024-03-28 20:40:43,342 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:43,345 - Send: N45 G1 Z10 F720*49
2024-03-28 20:40:43,351 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:43,355 - Send: N46 G1 F24000*74
2024-03-28 20:40:43,384 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:43,387 - Send: N47 P0 S1 L1 D0*70

// T1 now at 146 and dropping, bed still at 85

2024-03-28 20:40:44,094 - Recv:  T:146.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.21/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:146.00/0.00 T2:22.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:19.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.70/0.00 B_1_0:20.90/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.50/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.40/0.00 B_2_1:28.40/0.00 B_3_1:28.10/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.50/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:45,391 - Recv: echo:busy: processing
2024-03-28 20:40:46,096 - Recv:  T:145.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.07/0.00 T0:21.00/0.00 T1:145.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:22.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.90/0.00 B_2_0:20.50/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.40/0.00 B_2_1:28.40/0.00 B_3_1:28.10/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.50/0.00 B_1_3:63.80/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:47,235 - Recv: ok

// T1 set to 240

2024-03-28 20:40:47,238 - Send: N48 M104 T1 S240*26
2024-03-28 20:40:47,265 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:47,271 - Send: N49 G1 F24000*69
2024-03-28 20:40:47,275 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:47,278 - Send: N50 P0 S1 L2 D0*67
2024-03-28 20:40:47,284 - Recv: ok

// T1 set and wait for 240, firmware doesn't wait though

2024-03-28 20:40:47,286 - Send: N51 M109 T1 S240*31
2024-03-28 20:40:47,315 - Recv:  T:144.00/240.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:70.89/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:144.00/240.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:20.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.90/0.00 B_2_0:20.50/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:20.90/0.00 B_1_1:24.40/0.00 B_2_1:28.40/0.00 B_3_1:28.10/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.70/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.50/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00 W:?
2024-03-28 20:40:47,358 - Recv: ok

// T1 gets selected and target temperature gets set to 0 again
// we are now at T+2min since the print got paused initially and it sat at 
// target most of that time and only now things broke

2024-03-28 20:40:47,371 - Send: N52 T1 S1 L0 D0*70
2024-03-28 20:40:48,094 - Recv:  T:144.00/0.00 B:85.20/85.00 C:-30.00/0.00 X1:30.00/36.00 A:71.14/0.00 T0:20.00/0.00 T1:144.00/0.00 T2:21.00/0.00 T3:21.00/0.00 T4:21.00/0.00 T5:6.00/0.00 @:0 B@:0 HBR@:51 @0:0 @1:0 @2:0 @3:0 @4:0 @5:0 B_0_0:21.80/0.00 B_1_0:20.90/0.00 B_2_0:20.40/0.00 B_3_0:20.40/0.00 B_0_1:21.00/0.00 B_1_1:24.40/0.00 B_2_1:28.40/0.00 B_3_1:28.10/0.00 B_0_2:22.70/0.00 B_1_2:42.50/42.50 B_2_2:63.80/63.70 B_3_2:63.70/63.70 B_0_3:24.50/0.00 B_1_3:63.70/63.70 B_2_3:85.20/85.00 B_3_3:85.10/85.00
2024-03-28 20:40:48,857 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:48,860 - Send: N53 G92 E0*113
2024-03-28 20:40:48,870 - Recv: X:94.23 Y:359.59 Z:10.95 E:0.00 Count A:36328 B:-21272 Z:9690
2024-03-28 20:40:48,872 - Recv: ok

// actual print starts, and at a target of 0 and an actual of around 144 and dropping the firmware complains about cold extrusion

2024-03-28 20:40:48,877 - Send: N54 G0 X150 Y-7 Z10 F24000*28
2024-03-28 20:40:49,679 - Recv: ok
2024-03-28 20:40:49,682 - Send: N55 G0 E30 X140 Z0.2 F170*52
2024-03-28 20:40:49,708 - Recv: echo: cold extrusion prevented
2024-03-28 20:40:49,712 - Recv: echo: cold extrusion prevented

Even if I were to built in detection like you described there, it wouldn't work in the above example. And to be quite honest, I refuse to duplicate firmware functionality inside OctoPrint's comm layer. If the printer can't continue without user input, it should say so (busy protocol). If the printer switches off heaters, it should reflect that in some way (targets actually at 0). If the printer requires a command to continue after a forced pause, it should use the Action Command Prompt functionality that ironically I built into OctoPrint on a request by Prusa back in 2018 to request that from the user and do the needful on its end.

What I see above there is broken firmware behaviour on Prusa's end, custom commands left and right that are completely undocumented (their additional T1 parameters are non standard and neither documented on the reprap wiki nor their own help pages) and black magic happening inside the firmware that feels quite random.

If anything, that's something that someone would have to build a plugin to work around, that's not something that will go into OctoPrint's core. OctoPrint is not a replacement for working printer firmware with documented commands and behaviour, and if a vendor decides to go out of their way to make things incompatible with existing software, that's their issue, not mine. Sorry. I know as a user you are between a rock and hard place here with regards to that, but I've really had it with seeing the simplest things getting broken by that company in particular these days, established standards, commands and best practices getting ignored (feels like "not invented here" syndrome) and I then getting bombarded with requests to fix that somehow in OctoPrint.

Fair enough, and thanks a lot for going above and beyond your job, annotating this serial log! ❣️