
Prusa I3 Mk2s Z motors always on

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The problem

Raspberry Pi 4 running AArch64 (Archlinux for Arm based computers), OctoPrint runs as a separate web application on the Pi.
The Pi is connected via usb to the Prusa i3 mk2s printer running latest firmware.

I am worried about Z axis motor failure. It seems that the motors are always powered, since they're warm on touch. Other motors aren't.

I tried sending M84, M18 codes manually but it seems to have no effect. (GCode for powering off the PSU does nothing.)

I did not have this problem before using OctoPrint.

Help is appreciated.

Thank you

Did the issue persist even in safe mode?

I cannot test this issue in safe mode (state why below)

If you could not test in safe mode, please state why ("currently printing" is NOT an excuse!)

No third party plugins in use.

Version of OctoPrint


Operating system running OctoPrint

AArch64 (6.8.7-1-aarch64-ARCH) (Achlinux for Arm based computers)

Printer model & used firmware incl. version

Prusa i3 mk2s, latest firmware 3.2.3

Browser and version of browser, operating system running browser

Brave (1.65.123) on Archlinux (6.8.7-arch1-2)

Checklist of files to include below

  • Systeminfo Bundle (always include!)
  • Contents of the JavaScript browser console (always include in cases of issues with the user interface)
  • Screenshots and/or videos showing the problem (always include in case of issues with the user interface)
  • GCODE file with which to reproduce (always include in case of issues with GCODE analysis or printing behaviour)

Additional information & file uploads


Please post on the community forums or discord server to get help from the community. This issue tracker is reserved for bug reports and feature requests, and is only monitored by a small number of people. You will get better help from the community on the forums or discord server.