
PHP-error form.php line 221 and line 226 after fresh installing

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have installed Seblod version 4.3.1 on a fresh Joomla 4.4.3 system on a xampp (version 3.3.0, with php 8.1) server.
If I would like add a new field I got any errors at the storage area.
error seblod new field

Has anybody an the same problem?
How can I fix it?

Best regards,

Hi, it's a problem with PHP 8+
correct this row with this:
if (strpos($config['item']->storage_table ?? '', '#__cck_store_form_') !== false) {

Also you can fix possible problems from these pulls

Thank you for the very fast answer.
Line 221 is fixed, the message on line 226 is still open.

As a temporary solution add ?? ''after third parameter of function. I hope that developers assigned it and fix in next release

Thank you for your helping!


These notices are fixed in upcoming 4.4.0 package.
