
Strict 1 to 1 communication in polling mode

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We have been using the "listening service model" for a while. And we want to try out “polling service mode” mode, but we found a concerning scenario regarding request routing during our testing.

Given a client runtime which has only trusted fingerprint "xxx" and a server subscribing to the queue "server-1" with fingerprint "xxx" we would expect the following:

  • A service request to ServiceEndpoint("poll://server-1", "xxx") should be routed to the server subscribing to “server-1”.
  • A service request to ServiceEndpoint("poll://server-1", "yyy") should fail.

However, both scenarios end up routing to the server subscribing to “server-1”. Is this intentional to allow a “competing consumers” pattern or is it a bug?

If it is intentional do you have a suggestion to how we can achieve a strict and secure 1 to 1 communication in polling mode?