
Input Parameters (i.e. Variable) Do Not Support Multiple Values

jbristowe opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Various input parameters (i.e. variable) are scoped to supporting a single value when they should support multiple values either through multi-line input. This issue proposes the updating of the following parameters:

Old Input Name New Input Name Comments
deploy_to (unchanged) use parallel execution using job matrix
tenant tenants tenant: deprecated
tenants: optional with support for multiple tenants
tenant_tag tenant_tags tenant_tag: deprecated
tenant_tags: optional with support for multiple tenant tags
variable variables variable: deprecated
variables: optional with support for multiple variables

Does this apply to the deploy_to input? The docs say to supply the argument multiple times. The meaning of this is not very clear to me. Specifying deploy_to twice under the with section results in an error complaining about multiple values. Comma delimited values do not seem to be working either.

Defining the step twice causes a conflict in duplicate releases. How can I deploy to multiple environments. Not sure if this issue related to mine.

      - name: Create and deploy release (ENV1) ๐Ÿ™
        if: ${{ inputs.pushToOctopus}}
        uses: OctopusDeploy/create-release-action@v1.1.2
          api_key: ${{ secrets.OCTOPUSSERVERAPIKEY }}
          server: ${{ secrets.OCTOPUSSERVERURL }}
          space: ${{ secrets.OCTOPUSSERVER_SPACE }}
          project: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
          deploy_to: "ENV1"
          progress: true

      - name: Create and deploy release (ENV2) ๐Ÿ™
        if: ${{ inputs.pushToOctopus}}
        uses: OctopusDeploy/create-release-action@v1.1.2
          api_key: ${{ secrets.OCTOPUSSERVERAPIKEY }}
          server: ${{ secrets.OCTOPUSSERVERURL }}
          space: ${{ secrets.OCTOPUSSERVER_SPACE }}
          project: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
          deploy_to: "ENV2"
          progress: true

Thank you.

Great feedback, @derekbking. Thanks. This was an oversight in the original design. I've updated the issue description (see above) to reflect our latest thoughts on this issue.

Our current thinking about deployments is that you could employ parallel execution using job matrix. This would operate in a concurrent fashion -- something we don't support through the Octopus CLI, which underpins create-release-action v1.*.