
Out of topic: How can we access Odysee thumbnail with C# from an url api ?

EloiStree opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello guys, I lost.

I don't find on the web how I could download thumbnail of videos on Odysee.

I found that but I have not find the manual around it:

I am looking to download the thumbnail with C# Like I would do for Youtube:

I am a bit out of topic, but I tired of looking around for hours.
So I came here to fetch help.

Would you have any links, information, manual ?
Anything ?

Kind regards,

What is the goal you are trying to achieve here?

What is the goal you are trying to achieve here?

Basically in general this ´https://img.youtube.com/vi/[VideoID]/default.jpg´ is heavily used by the community.
So would be nice to have it if not implemented.

For me, I am doing tool in Unity/C# that allows to put tutorial in video format for developer inside the scene.
You just copy past the Odysee or Youtube url of the video and it fetch the thumbnail of the video.


( I have other old application that do gallery of video from Youtube Url where I would like to add Odysee video. )

The Youtube Thumbnail is a API where you give the video ID and it return the image store on their server.
Example dQw4w9WgXcQ give https://img.youtube.com/vi/dQw4w9WgXcQ/mqdefault.jpg

There's no method to the madness, but if you have an Odysee URL, you'd use the resolve API, and in there, there's a thumbnail URL. You can see how these calls work via the network tab while browsing odysee.

You can also use our oembed edpoint: https://odysee.com/$/oembed?url=https://odysee.com/@InternetHistorian:3/man-in-cave:4

Nice. I will try this one.