Information about Taurine and the Fugu14 Untether for 14.3 to 14.5.1.
zdc54 opened this issue · 5 comments
Coolstar has announced that (for now) he is not going to be developing the Untether for Taurine. He also had said that if there was a 14.7/14.8.x or 15.x exploit, he would return to Taurine. (not guaranteed)
You can also modify the Open Source release to initialize from Fugu14 libkrw for a 14.5 semi-untethered jailbreak if you are that desperate. (You'll be on your own if you try doing that, and I do NOT recommend you try this if you don't know what you are doing. Just wait for someone with the knowledge to do it.)
I just wanted to get that out of the way.
I got a serious question:
I have now jailbroken with Taurine in my iOS 14.4.2 XS Max, am I allowed to use " launchctl reboot userspace " via any terminal with root privileges?
Why comment on this issue, as it is unrelated
Why comment on this issue, as it is unrelated
I'm sorry my friend
mf u late asl bru