
a bash script, using ffmpeg/ffprobe to trim start and end from videos

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is a simple Bash command line script that allows you to trim the first n1 and the last n2 seconds from a given video source.

Operation should be lossless, and very performant - as the operations do not transcode the video or audio source there is no loss of quality. On my mid-2012 MacBook Air assets process at approx 450x actual duration.


Assumes availability of ffmpeg and ffprobe in the same directory. Users do not need to be familiar with their operation, but should simply install the latest static build from FFMPEG.org


vtrim input-file n1 n2 [output-file]

  • input-file: this is the name of the source file
  • n1: initial trim point in seconds (can be in the format 1*60+14 for one minute and 14 seconds)
  • n2: number of seconds to trim off the end
  • output-file: you can optionaly specify the output file name. If not specified then it will take the input filename and make some changes (' - ' becomes '-' and spaces become underscores), and if the filename is the same as the input name, the script will rename the input and add 'in_' to the front.


  • While no transcoding takes place is the input and output file types match (eg mp4 to mp4, or mkv to mkv) if you make a change (eg mp4 to mkv) it will apply a conversion using default ffmpeg settings which will take much longer and will probably not give optimal results.
  • If ffmpeg and ffprobe are in a different directory (depends on install method), paths should be adjusted in the script to accomodate


  • Resiliance: make code more able to handle errors (especially when ffmpeg or ffprobe are not present, or if the target filename when renaming already exists)
  • Add support for removing chapters that have a specific metatdata tag (eg 'advertisment')

If you make use of this and like it and want to give something back... I wrote a book! :)


This project can be forked from [Github](https://github.com/Offbeatmammal/shVTrim. Please issue pull requests from feature branches.


See Licence file in repo, or refer to http://unlicense.org