This tool leverages the Process Forking technique using the RtlCreateProcessReflection API to clone the lsass.exe process. Once the clone is created, it utilizes MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION callbacks to generate a memory dump of the cloned process
- 0x023
- 1N73LL1G3NC3x
- 6dlz
- a7t0fwa7
- afkfr0mkeyb0ard
- akobdhke
- allanp0e
- an0x03e8
- ArchiMoebiusEarth
- askme765cs
- Ben-LichtmanMicrosoft
- BGE-faith
- c3pain
- cmprmsdCologne
- davehardy20UK
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- Ghost53574Somewhere
- gitgotgitgotit
- hastalamuerte
- KeyStrOke95Secura
- LaQKracha
- momaekcccChina
- MrGuidedVengeance
- Mrhax0rr
- netbiosXPentestLab
- NoobCat2000
- steepcloud
- TheGreatestGgoat
- TTP-Xtian
- VasilisKosto
- WesleyWong420Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
- wugedzMeituan
- xrkkBLCU
- yeshuibo
- yige666
- yj94