
Redeployed script etc to 'upgrade'and PowerApp not showing Sensitivity feature

dav1dbailey opened this issue · 1 comments


Used the latest release and Deployment Guide to redeploy the solution to add sensitivity labels feature to existing implementation. I received one error message from deploy.ps1 run:

Azure AD App 'Request a Team' already exists - updating existing app...
unrecognized arguments: --password *****************************************************

Followed steps to update existing PowerApp by importing package and updating existing App. 'Teams Requests', 'Teams Templates', 'Team Request Settings', 'IP Labels' lists connections etc added / updated successfully. Updated the 'OnStart' function and all steps after that to ensure settings are there.

When opening / editing PowerApp the feature for Sensitivity labels is not there.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Followed Deployment guide ran step 1. Ran deploy.ps1
  2. Skipped step 2 of the guide as already exists.
  3. Followed step 3 but updated existing App.
  4. Step 4; flows and logic app updated.
  5. Step 5; Checked sharing
  6. Step6 followed except updated the existing App in Teams and not creating a new one.

Expected results

I expect to see the additional tab for sensitivity labels in the Power App

Actual Results

No change to original implementation

Solution component

Power App

Operating system (environment)


Additional Info

No response

I have found the issue. The deployment guide Step 1 states to : "Download the latest release" which links to the page with 'Source code (zip) ' available to download (which is what I used). However you need to use the "package" which is 'Master' that is referred to in the 'Prerequisites' section above Step 1. It's the master that contains the latest release NOT the link stating "Latest release".