
Why are all the code samples only in react?

IsaacSomething opened this issue Β· 10 comments

Just wondering why all the code samples for the controls, in the documentation are only in react? Would be kinda nice to have the fabric core UI styles as well.


Same question, as I wanted to retrieve examples for animation classes (like "ms-slideLeftIn20" or else), the OUIF site doesn't display anymore samples related to the Core.

Jahnp commented

Sorry folksβ€”this is a gap in the documentation we're aware of, and would like to fix, but don't have immediate plans for. I'll leave this open and update if the funding situation changes. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Thx @Jahnp !

FYI, I've found out that it's working when referencing AnimationClassNames from OUIFR (which references IRawStyle animation properties).

Can someone else try out like this and let us know here ? I'm in version 6.189.2 for Fabric React and 1.9.1 for Fabric Core.

sven5 commented

You should port the OfficeUi Fabric to Blazor widgets.

Eweol commented

@sven5 it's still in progress but maybe BlazorFabric is something for you!

This is a massive hole in the documentation - you are targeting only users of react framework before users of no framework?
I'm building an OFFICE ADD-IN and it does not come bundled with react (which Is a good thing) but how am I supposed to style my add-in with fabric if there is no reference to what the classes are or how they are supposed to be used?!
I don't know how anyone else is even using fabric core?
This may sound like I'm just being a critic, but it's a cry for help. Anyone who knows where to find the classes or how to use them, please help.

After searching for a while it seems like there is some better documentation here:

It seems all documentation paths lead to React - with absolutely nothing for anyone else. Very poor.
"Support for Fabric JS has ended. We recommend that you use Office UI Fabric React." Sorry, no!

I was looking forward to using this in my ng2+ app but it looks like I’m going to have to theme roll bootstrap to try and match it.

After searching for a while it seems like there is some better documentation here:

Fabric JS seems to be deprecated...