
Incomplete documentation for custom parameter for user in test tool

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
I have to give a customised user details to trigger installation activity. When we follow the current documentation it throws error that user parameter is not available.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the .teamsapptesttool.yml file in the project's root folder.
  2. Go to the users section and update the name, userPrincipleName, and email of the required user.
  3. Run the test tool
  4. See error and on vs code it will give pop-up to seek help at

Expected behavior
A tested complete documentation should be available.

VS Code Extension Information (please complete the following information):

  • Teams Toolkit v5.8.0
  • Commit: dc96b837cf6bb4af9cd736aa3af08cf8279f7685
  • Date: 2024-05-07T05:16:23.416Z
  • Electron: 28.2.8
  • ElectronBuildId: 27744544
  • Chromium: 120.0.6099.291
  • Node.js: 18.18.2
  • V8:
  • OS: Linux x64 6.5.0-13parrot1-amd64

CLI Information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Thank you for contacting us! Any issue or feedback from you is quite important to us. We will do our best to fully respond to your issue as soon as possible. Sometimes additional investigations may be needed, we will usually get back to you within 2 days by adding comments to this issue. Please stay tuned.

@IAM5K You need to create a new file named .teamsapptesttool.yml under the project root. teamsapp.testtool.yml is Teams app yaml file. These two files serve for different purpose.

You may refer to test-tool-sample-app for reference.

I have tried this,
Even on updating the users list and current user i am getting the default user details on installation.
The user i expect to get is not available.

I have tried this, Even on updating the users list and current user i am getting the default user details on installation. The user i expect to get is not available.

Have you reran F5 after modified the .teamsapptesttool.yml? I just tried and can't repro from my side.

That was a great help,It worked
Here are my findings:

  • If anyone want to get your id on the installation then add it in place of current user
  • Live changes on .teamsapptesttool.yml doesn't work, same as env files and that is a normal behavior.

Thanks @qinezh
I have raised a doubt about linting in bot framework, it would be amazing if you can please help me on that as well.