

Opened this issue · 5 comments

When Creating a new Dev Tunnel with Visual Studio 10.3 I received the error
"The dev tunnel with the name '' is not set to public access. Please use a public dev tunnel in the debug dropdown menu (Dev Tunnels) to prepare Teams app."

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In the debug dropdown menu, select Dev Tunnels > Create a Tunnel (set authentication type to Public, temporary, GitHub user)
  2. Right-click the 'TeamsApp' project and select Teams Toolkit > Prepare Teams App Dependencies

Expected behavior
Prepare Teams App Dependencies should succeed

VS 2022 Professional 10.3

Additional context
If I use an older Dev Tunnel in an existing and updated version it works
If I use a new Dev Tunnel in an existing and updated version OR in a fresh VS installation (and here is my problem right now) it doesn't work.

Similar issues was reported a while a ago but should have been fixed as per versions...?


Thanks for the feedback. It seems that we cannot retrieve all dev tunnels from the GitHub account in our toolkit extension. We will investigate this further.

In the meantime, there is a workaround you can try: use a work account to create a dev tunnel. You can register or use an Outlook account for this purpose.


Thanks for the feedback. It seems that we cannot retrieve all dev tunnels from the GitHub account in our toolkit extension. We will investigate this further.

Thanks for the update. I was also wondering if there is a way I can see my dev tunnels ´per GitHub account OVER several VS
This might help

You can view all your dev tunnels in the Dev Tunnel Window. All your dev tunnel information is available there.


Yes I saw this but that seems Visual Studio / Machine related.
If I use several instances (VMs e.g.) is there an overview overall? I recently "killed" a VM. Do the used Dev Tunnels there (connected to GitHub account) "waste" something and could I still access and clean it somehow?
Just curious

Yes, it provides an overall view. You can see the usage status and manage the port in this management view.