
How does a function return a "router"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I want a function to return a router to main()

the problem is I return a method_router::Build
and when I change my return to Build then I get lifetime issues.

pub fn build_router() -> MethodRouter {
// let mut router = DefaultRouter::Api::new();
let mut router = MethodRouter::::new();
// let mut router = MethodRouter::default();
//Global actions
let router = router.build().many(|mut endpoint| {

Ogeon commented

Nice to see that you are trying out the new API. Any feedback is welcome!

A you have notices, build and many and some of the other methods return a &mut Builder<'a, T>. This builder is tied to your router variable (the original one), since it contains a reference to it, and can't leave the function. Its only purpose is for method chaining.

What you want to return is that original router variable, which has been modified to contain your routes:

pub fn build_router() -> MethodRouter<Api> {
    let mut router = MethodRouter::<Api>::new();

    // Notice how I just removed the `let router = ...` part
    router.build().many(|mut endpoint| {

    // Return the original router, now with the handlers inside

I don't know if you had Api in MethodRouter<Api>, so you have to adjust it to your needs. If you format your code examples like this:

code here

You should get proper code blocks with nice coloring, and Type<Parameters> should not disappear. 🙂

Thanks that worked.