
Participate in Web Framework Benchmarks by TechEmpower

Closed this issue · 26 comments

Ogeon commented

I would prefer to publish Rustful on crates.io first, to make it easier to prevent surprising breaks, but you or anyone else are still welcome to add a benchmark before that. You have my blessing :)

Ogeon commented

I should add that I will almost certainly not have the time to maintain external benchmarks, like this one, so it's up to the implementor and anyone interested to keep them up to date.

Thanks a lot. I might stumble here to ask you a few things though. Not the best rust developer so far, but I'm trying and enjoying it! :)

Ogeon commented

No problem, you can ask as much as you want. It would be nice if you could add a link in your first post to the implementation, just for reference.

Sure will

I've started implementing this feature here

Ogeon commented

Nice! It will be interesting to see where this leads.

Ogeon commented

I'm closing this because of lack of activity. It can be reopened again if anyone happens to be interested in implementing those benchmarks.

I've finally found some time to give it a try:
Need little help with json serialization and also I wonder if it's possible to add Content-Type information on a route basis, rather than on the Server.


Ogeon commented

Nice! You can access and change the response headers through the response. What do you need help with, regarding JSON serialization?

Well as you can see here in the json function

I would like to return {"message":"Hello, World!"}, hence I wrote the little struct, but I still get just the string.

Ogeon commented

That doesn't sound right. I wonder if it "optimizes" it to leave out the field name, since it's only one field. Have you tried to add an other field to see what happens?

Ogeon commented

Oh, wait! You have conflicting paths, so you have overwritten the JSON handler with the plain text handler. ":name" is a path variable that takes a value in its place, but you can't have two parallel variables, because there is no way to see the difference between them.

I just figured that out as well

Ogeon commented

Yeah, it would be really strange if the serialisation would leave out field names.

Weird though... shouldn't it pattern-match on the the :name string?

Ogeon commented

What do you mean? How?

Nevermind (I don't even know if it's feasible in Rust, to say the truth).

How do I then accomplish that kind of thing?
/json => j function
/plaintext => p function

Ogeon commented

Leave out the :. That's the variable indicator. Like this. You can also write / in front of them, like in your example. Here are more examples that may be better.

Great. That was easy.
I'll now figure out how to add the Content-Type thing and try to push it over.

Should I go with a response.headers_mut().set kind of thing?

Thank you so much.

Ogeon commented

Yes, that's the way it's done. You may also want to store &'static str instead of String as your message to avoid cloning and allocating more than necessary.

Ok. Fixed it all a little.

Having &static str gives me issue with RustcDecodable.

Check it out, and let me know if I forgot anything.

Ogeon commented

The only things I can see is that you are formatting the plain text string (Response takes string slices as well) and that you could use .into() instead of .to_string() to avoid firing up the formatting machinery. Not that I think the impact is that big, but still.

I just wish that we could skip the HandlerFn stuff, but the compiler is still buggy there (last time I checked).

Great. Yeah I also wish I could get rid of the (unused) Context parameter.


Thanks again!

Will keep you posted.

Ogeon commented

Just rename the argument to _context or _ or something. The underscore will tell the compiler to ignore it.

Ogeon commented

Just to clarify: you should be able to change response.send(format!("Hello, World!")); to response.send("Hello, World!");