
Compile issue

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I'm trying to compile the example with rustc 1.0.0-nightly (d8be84eb4 2015-03-29) (built 2015-03-29) and I get so many errors it would be embarrassing to show :)

I guess what I mean is: should it be working with rust 1.0.0?

Ogeon commented

2015-03-29? That was some time ago. You can go back to a previous commit and hope there will be a compatible one, but your best bet would be to go with the latest nightly or beta.


just updated my rust version.
Still getting compiler error (only on cookie).

Compiling cookie v0.1.18 /Users/mfirry/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/cookie-0.1.18/src/lib.rs:56:20: 56:39 error: unresolved name url::percent_decode /Users/mfirry/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/cookie-0.1.18/src/lib.rs:56 let name = url::percent_decode(name.as_bytes());

Ogeon commented

That would be an issue with the cookie library. Seems like the beta is the most promising option at the moment, unless a patch comes soon.

Ok. Should I explicitly depend on the beta version then?

Ogeon commented

I bumped into this myself with an other project and it seems like they decided to remove that function from the url library, so things are simply broken for now, unless you override the dependencies somehow (I think you can edit your Cargo.lock and use the previous version). Seems like we have to wait while things caches up.


Ogeon commented

Things should build with the beta now. Remember to run cargo update to get the latest libraries.

Working now. Thanks!