
Remove the logging system in favor of the Log crate

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Ogeon commented

Log has basically the same purpose as the loging system in the server, namely a common, user defined logger. I see no reason to keep the logging system around when Log is widely adopted and has an even more convenient API.

What should be done is:

  • Remove the log module.
  • Remove the presence of the logger from the server, every context and every response type.
  • Include Log as a dev-dependency and use it in examples.

The reason for using it in the examples is that I don't want to promote println! logging. Forced log printing is nasty and we don't want to look nasty, do we?

It's not the smallest task, but it shouldn't be too complicated.

I still have to fix documentation on this. Can you review if this is what your plan was? Also this will break any client already using log module or context.log. Was this intended?

Ogeon commented

Yes, and that's ok. It will be released under a new 0.X version.