
A JavaScript API for working with the Todoist API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Download the todoist.js file and add it to your page

<script type="text/javascript" src="todoist.js"></script>

Then initiate with the following code

var test = new Todoist();
	test.token = "yourTokenHere";
	// To get a token go to the Account tab in the Todoist settings
	test.sync.oncomplete = function( data ){ console.log( data ); };
	// Function to be called once the API data has been received and processed
	// Call the sync function

See reference.md for list of object propeties

Upcoming Functionality


This script has been developed and tested in Chrome. No effort has been made to test or develop for other environments. Any support otherwise is welcome!

Differences to API proper

Naming conventions

The Todoist V7 API is delivered with an underscore naming convention but in line with JavaScript conventions this script uses camelCase For example Todoist:live_notifications_last_read_id turns into: liveNotificationsLastReadId

Non-accessible data

In the some cases data from the Todoist API will not be accessible (eg sync_key/syncKey) to protect against errors or to reduce memory cost

Lacking API support

In the case of filters, it is removed as there is no API support to use

Necessary URLs

Type URL
API endpoints https://todoist.com/API/v7/*
Avatar Images https://dcff1xvirvpfp.cloudfront.net/*_small.jpg, https://dcff1xvirvpfp.cloudfront.net/*_medium.jpg, https://dcff1xvirvpfp.cloudfront.net/*_big.jpg https://dcff1xvirvpfp.cloudfront.net/*_s640.jpg
Oauth API https://todoist.com/oauth/*
Token API https://todoist.com/api/access_tokens/*
Templates https://todoist.com/importFromTemplate?t_url=*
Imports/Exports https://*.cloudfront.net/*.csv
Karma Chart https://todoist.com/chart?
Backups https://s3.amazonaws.com/user_backups.todoist.com/*


This is an unofficial repository that receives no support from and is not endorsed by Doist (the makers of Todoist)