
"ALL" Button Inconsistency - Texture Browser

Opened this issue · 10 comments

A small issue for sure, but as a mapper I tend to frequently click the 'ALL' button in the texture browser a number of times going back and forth, something others have stated as well. Moving 'ALL' to the Group drop down menu creates an extra click, and also doesn't line up with the Sounds browser anymore, as Sounds still as an 'ALL' button. So UI wise, it does create a bit of an inconsistency, as well as a minor inconvenience, and returning the 'ALL' button would be a nicety to have.

old way and UT99:




Sounds browser in both:


(Side note: In a perfect world we'd have Editor 'Skins' to choose from or even customizable layouts, which would be neat so everyone can tweak the UI and layout to their preference. I know that'd be a far-in-the-future kinda thing though at this point, just wanted to throw that out there)

G83R commented

yeah i'd appreciate it if the all button came back.

I wouldn't mind if an icon was made for it and it was added at the top like the other ones, since I think the reason it was removed was cluttering the drop down lists

This change was on request by other mappers, I think it was Krull and Bleeder?

I can't speak for Krull0r or Bleeder, though when asked, Krull said it wasn't him (though he did originally seem to agree with a previous post) and Bleeder just said he doesn't use the "all" button anyway lol, which I don't think is a good reason to remove it.

Ease Of Access and Continuity is important I feel. Keeping the 'All' button as normal, lines up with the Sounds browser, and lines up with the current UT99 editor, even in 469 afaik. Having 'All' right next to the Groups drop down is not only convenient, but is also immediately obvious what the button will do. It's also one less extra click for mappers like me and 83r who frequently go back and forth between 'All' and a selected group, of which there's many reasons a mapper may want to do so. So I don't see a reason to really change it (especially not after 30 years lol). I think putting it up at the top bar would also be a bad idea, for reasons I mentioned before; Wouldn't line up with Sounds browser/UT99 editor, and won't be as obvious as to what it does, since it won't be right next to the Groups dropdown anymore and will probably need to change to some icon that won't be obvious right away unless you hover over it for a description. UI changes probably shouldn't be a focus at this point in K's development (unless necessary like with new features being added), until something like modular layout design can be worked on so everyone's preferences can be tweaked and customized to their individual liking. I also stand by "don't fix what isn't broken" in this case.

All functionality was not removed. I requested to have it moved/changed because it improves the feel when browsing packages and groups. Without the button, you can clearly see the selected group name underneath the package name. Putting the functionality into the Group combobox under (all) also removes the need to toggle "All" off to be able to browse single groups.
Lining up with a different game's Editor is a non-reason.
It was merely a request, if others would prefer it reverted then I stand by that decision.

I didn't say 'All' functionality was removed of course, yes it's in groups dropdown now, but I stated in my previous post already why I feel it's a bad change, extra click, continuity w/ Sounds/UT99 etc.

I don't agree with your point about improved feel. I've never had trouble reading the package/group names, the 'All' button is small and creates a tiny offset that isn't really a problem for me.


Reading your original post on the OldUnreal discord, you seemed to be more concerned with the massive offset created by the early extra buttons, as seen in this image here:


and yes, that definitely feels like a problem. But as my first image shows, the original 'All' button was such a minor offset, I don't think it's a problem, if it returns exactly like that.

"Putting the functionality into the Group combobox under (all) also removes the need to toggle "All" off to be able to browse single groups."

I don't understand this point either. 'All' being in the group dropdown would still mean you'd have to "unselect" it, by choosing another group first, if 'All' group is default. Could also make 'All' not toggled on by default? Isn't it already toggled off by default? (Just tested and the 'All' button is not toggled on for me when first opening the editor).

I don't see "lining up with a different game's editor" as a "non-reason" entirely. Familiarity can be really powerful, and someone who frequently switches between Unreal and UT99 editing, could find buttons re-arranging to be bothersome. That was my point there. But it's more how it's inconsistent now with the Sounds browser, making the overall UI look a bit sloppy imo.

I personally find the already existing inconsistencies between the menus odd, this kind of adds to that, even if it's not a huge deal I do wish all the browsers had a similar layout to one another

also I have experienced a bit of "clunkiness" having to select the previous group I was looking at instead of having an all button to toggle, so I would like if there was at least a button for it somewhere, and then have that match with the other browsers so that the layout for buttons is familiar no matter if you're looking at textures or sounds or whatever, I think adding one next to the "in use" button would be good, and maybe, would it be possible having the in use button for other browsers such sounds and music too?

I tend to agree a little with Wulfrayne here though, I dislike inconsistencies as well.
On the other hand this is extra work already done and extra work needed again to undo, which is something we really don't need.
Yet, I personally have no preference here and the opinions obviously differ. What to do?

I vote to at least have an All button SOMEWHERE, it was very useful and the current system is extremely clunky compared to being able to toggle All On/Off

I agree we can worry about inconsistencies once more important issues are fixed, but I think it is something that should be addressed too in the future

Reorn commented

The group (all) creates a lot of problems if the user creates a group with the same name.
UT469d Good Idea: