
Scaling and Font issue

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The numbers in the game now do not use the Unreal font for them.
Whatever this skull icon is, is not scaling properly either.


It's the same for the health numbers on the left side too.

lss4 commented

Can confirm this issue on 469d RC2 (released not long ago at the time of writing). It seems with this version the game in most cases no longer uses the Unreal font, but a fallback font from the system that can indeed be scaled at will by enabling "Override Font Scaling". The font scaling works, but ingame messages on the upper left would become overlapped as the line height remained unscaled.

Guess one needs to read a2eb37a to find out how to fix the font issue per mod.

That skull icon shows your "score". In some custom maps (Enslaved, for example) the icon itself can be scaled properly, but the text does not. On the other hand, in some mods (Legacy, for example), this score icon as well as some other mod-specific icons do not get scaled -- I suppose mods need to code them in a correct way for them to be scalable.

lss4 commented

An update. I've tried a few more mods and they behave differently. I haven't tested OldSkool 239 for these mods yet so I'm not sure how they behaved there.

  • EXU 7.2: Map title uses Unreal font. HUD, area and item pickup texts use its own custom font but not scalable. "Override Font Scaling" has no effect for those parts except for the ones using the fallback default (namely Translator and upper-left messages).
  • Operation Na Pali: Everything looks good. HUD is properly scaled. All ingame text fonts are using the fallback and scalable. Translator appears in correct size with enough room to accommodate text, and upper left message lines do not overlap in this mod.
    - Zenith: The HUD body and ingame interfaces do not appear to be scalable, but some text can be scaled.

Things in common for those mods:

  • Map title is not scaled in most cases, very small and hard to read at 4K.
  • Translator text, as well as upper-left messages, are always in fallback default font and can be scaled.

So it seems with OldSkool 240, only this fallback default font can be scaled, and mods can still override these parts with their own fonts and sizes, but by doing so they will no longer be scaled by font scaling settings.

EDIT: After checking some screenshots of the of the mods I've been playing, looks like for ONP and Xidia Gold these mods are indeed using the default font so everything is scaled correctly and working as intended for those mods (same also applies to Project Xenome which uses ONP's HUD).

EDIT 2: Found this mutator "Unreal: Enhanced" which enables ONP HUD and some other useful features (requires ONP be installed). It can be used with mods using vanilla Unreal weapons and gameplay mechanics (like Zephon), and it will fix notable issues such as upper left message lines overlapping as well as translator window being too small (these will behave like ONP once the mutator is active).

LATE EDIT 3: It seems Zenith doesn't really use OldSkool, so the behaviors with that mod is mostly invalid for this scope...

LATE EDIT 4: Correcting the description. I think that plain font was actually UT's default.

LATE EDIT 5: Looks like I actually can make a few UT mods covered by Botpack227 playable on Unreal 227 (I'm using the WIP obtained from Unreal-Testing, though released versions e.g. 227i/j should also work). Note that you'll also need the "UT Files for SP" package or, if you already have UT installed (and preferably 469 patched), include paths from your UT installation folder in Unreal's Unreal.ini as instructed in Botpack227 manual.

For now I'm limiting the scope to those which uses classic Unreal gameplay. HUD scaling works perfectly fine in recent 227 versions with those mods so everything is looking great. Not sure if B227_MapFix mutators are required for such mods, but I'm using it for now as recommended in the manual, and I'm yet to encounter any major issue.