[Windows] It's not possible to load a sound using a path with Unicode characters
Oldes opened this issue · 1 comments
Oldes commented
Using ASCII file name is ok:
>> sound: audio/load %zblunk_02.wav
== #(handle! ma-sound 0#4ebdd8b0)
But when Unicode chars are used, it fails on Windows:
>> rename %zblunk_02.wav %žbluňk_02.wav
>> sound: audio/load %žbluňk_02.wav
WARNING: Failed to load file "c:\Dev\Builder\tree\rebol\Rebol-MiniAudio\assets\ŝbluňk_02.wav". Resource does not exist.
** Command error: "Failed to initialize the sound from a file."
** Where: load
** Near: audio/load %žbluňk_02.wav