Using a default group for per user groups
Closed this issue · 3 comments
first thank you for your useful tools.
I had to come up with a quick solution on my system for per user groups. It is on a "works for me" basis, but I hope it might be useful for someone else too. The way I chose to do it was, to replace the per user groups with a default group.
Here is the diff of the slurmusersettings file:
diff slurmusersettings.orig slurmusersettings.edited
> export defaultgroup="slurmuser"
< export sacctmgr=/usr/bin/sacctmgr
> export sacctmgr=$(which sacctmgr)
> defaultgroup = ENVIRON["defaultgroup"]
< print "### Ignoring users with per-user group: User=" u " group=" g
< userinformation[u] = "IGNORE"
< next
> print "### user with per-user group: User=" u " group=" g
> print "### setting default group to " defaultgroup
> #userinformation[u] = "IGNORE"
> #next
> g = defaultgroup
> if(isarray(setting[u][config]) && isarray(setting[u][current])) {
> } else {
> print "### config or current not arrays"
> }
Hi Hans,
Thanks for your suggestion. I guess I do not understand the reason why you need to introduce a defaultgroup concept?
At our site we have many UNIX groups for Slurm users, and we would never put Slurm users into a single defaultgroup.
Best regards,
Hello Ole,
I just recently started working with slurm, so it is very possible that I missed something.
The problem I ran into was, that my system creates new users with a usergroup (username=group) by default. I did not want to reconfigure that system. But your script ignores users with a usergroup. So the default group was the first thing that came to my mind to solve that problem.
An other option would have been to create a new account for every user (for every usergroup). I did not want to do that.
Thanks for your time,
I think I understand. The project says:
- We do not support per-user UNIX groups where each username's primary UNIX group is the same as the username (groupname=username).
The idea in my project is that you have many groups, and each group has many users. This is contrary to some Linux systems which create a personal group for each user (groupname=username).
With a big, shared Linux cluster for a number of research groups it makes sense to gather each group of researchers into a UNIX group. Then we can do accounting for each group and administer resources on a group basis in stead of on a user basis.
I hope this explanation makes sense to you?