CM11 support?
jfeise opened this issue · 5 comments
There is an unofficial CM11 build for the Nexus One:
I've been using S2E fine with that, but officially S2E doesn't support CM11.
Any chance to support it?
But for Galaxy Ace. I love S2E, is the best for me.
How can I use S2E on my Galaxy Ace? I have CM11 and not much free space disk.
Actually, I'm using int2ext4+ ( Sorry for delay.
I forked S2E and updated it to support CM11 (as well as some other changes to functionality). See here:
Oleg, please go ahead and take any commits from my fork*, but I'd suggest that you first check over the ActionBarSherlock changes. I may have broken support for older Android revisions by removing this code, but I wasn't sure how to get it to build properly with ActionBarSherlock and appcompat-v7 together.
Great psyke83. Next time I flash my phone, I will test it.