
Cannot wrap the buffer to access the messageHeader

Closed this issue · 1 comments

ujos commented

There is following code inside the examples.md :

auto header = sbepp::make_const_view<>(buf.data(), buf.size());

I cannot make this code to compile. Is there another nice way to read the SBE header?

That's a typo in documentation, obviously there's no way to create a header without specifying its type. If you check other usages of make_const_view on that same page or the make_const_view documentation, you'll see that template parameter is required.
There are couple of ways you can access SBE header:

  1. Pass hard-coded header type (messageHeader in this example) to make_const_view:
auto header = sbepp::make_view<your_schema::types::messageHeader>(buf.data(), buf.size());
  1. Similar to the above but get the header type using schema_traits:
auto header = sbepp::make_const_view<sbepp::schema_traits<your_schema::schema>::header_type>(buf.data(), buf.size());
  1. If you know for sure what schema you're working with and just want to get the header from a message:
// create message somehow
your_schema::messages::msg_1<std::byte> msg;
auto header = sbepp::get_header(msg);

Note that at the moment it's not an error to create a wrong message view from a valid buffer, e.g., if you have a buffer with msg_1 but created msg_2 just to get the header from it.

P.S. Please don't close it even you got the answer, I'll fix that typo and close it afterwards.