
The Olivet Association for Computing Machinery Constituion

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Olivet Association for Computing Machinery (OACM)


To provide technological education, assistance, and support for its members, the college, and the surrounding community.


  1. Olivet College Compact. Each individual member of the OACM must embrace the Olivet College Compact principles: value diversity within a community built on trust, participation and a sense of pride.

  2. The ACM Code of Ethics. Each member of the OACM must abide by and embrace the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in addition to the compact. http://www.acm.org/about-acm/acm-code-of-ethics-and-professional-conduct

  3. Qualifications:

    1. Membership will be granted to any enrolled student who indicates an interest in OACM. No prior experience in computing, computer science, or anything in the realm of is required.

    2. All members are required to become registered as Student members of the national association of the ACM.

  4. The club shall not discriminate against any human being other then the qualifications above. We open our organizational arms equally wide to people from every race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, size, ethnic origin, location of habitation, religion, external appearance, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status, and anything that could possibly ever be used as a basis of discrimination.

Objectives of Organization

The OACM maintains three solid and unwaivering goals

  1. Education

    1. The OACM is committed to further the education of its members from the expansion of known languages, programming techniques, to solidifying/creating a programmatic base for the member. In addition, the OACM shall make its goal to, spread the awareness and promotion of the fair treatment and possible existence of any and all Artificial Intelligence.
  2. Outreach

    1. The OACM is dedicated to the community outreach both on campus and off campus. The group encourages, embraces, and seeks out chances to improve the programmatic knowledge and technological prowess of the local and surrounding communities through both training and on site assistance.
  3. Preperation

    1. The OACM is committed to helping its members be prepared for the after undergraduate market by encouraging opportunities such as internships, Research Experience for Undergraduatess, and the like in any form which the group can provide. Whether its connections, suggestions, or workshops.


The governing body of the OACM shall be the OACM’s Officers.

  1. It shall be the duty of the Chair to administer all of the business related to the overall welfare of the Student Organization. The Chair and Vice Chair will also compile and enforce regulations governing the OACM, which do not violate the policies established by Olivet College.

  2. It shall be recognized that the club’s primary responsibilities are directed towards the benefit of the Students.


Number and Term

The Executive Council of the OACM shall be comprised of the following offices:

  1. Chair

    1. Limited to 2 year term limit beginning from the fall after initial election.

    2. Minimum 2 year membership to become eligible or 1 year as Vice Chair. Exception only made in event no member meets these criteria.

  2. Vice-Chair

    1. Limited to 3 year term limit beginning from the fall after initial election.

    2. Minimum 1 year membership to become eligible.

  3. Treasurer

    1. Limited to 4 year term limit beginning from the fall after initial election.

    2. No year minimum.

  4. Secretary

    1. No term limit.

    2. No year minimum.

  5. SGA Representative

    1. No term limit.

    2. No year minimum.

Duties of the Officers

  1. Chair. It shall be the duty of the Chair to conduct all meetings, to lead discussions therein, to recognize all speakers, and to see that all meetings are carried on in accordance with parliamentary procedure. It shall be the duty of the Chair to call all special meetings and to act as the presiding officer.

  2. Vice Chair. It shall be the duty of the Vice Chair to act as an aide to the Chair and to carry on the duties of the Chair in event of his or her absence. The Vice Chair handles duties that would otherwise handled by the Chair if possible. Any tasks that would not be completed by the Chair would be completed by the Vice Chair. The Vice Chair is allowed to represent the OACM in a formal setting.

  3. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to handle any incidental funds the OACM may have in its control at the discretion of the Chair and Vice Chair.

  4. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep written minutes of all meetings and to inform the members of the Council of the proceedings. The Secretary shall also keep on file a written record of all of the deliberations of the Executive Council. It shall also be the duty of the Secretary to receive and approve or disapprove of absences and excuses.

  5. SGA Representative. It shall be the duty of the SGA Representative to be present at all SGA meetings and sign the OACM into these meetings. The SGA Rep shall also take relevant notes of the meetings and provide them to the remaining council members.

Selection of Officers

  1. Nominations

    1. The position of Chair and Vice Chair may be nominated by officers though suggestion from other members is welcomed and considered.

    2. Any member can nominate any other member, who fit the required criteria, for any of the remaining positions.

  2. Elections

    1. Elections shall be held in an open forum style where officers speak first and ask for nominations.

    2. Elections shall proceed in the following order:

      1. Chair

      2. Vice Chair

      3. Treasurer

      4. Secretary

      5. SGA Representative

    3. Those who are nominated and do not meet the minimum year requirements are immediately disqualified for running unless given explicit approval from the other officers otherwise all officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members.

Resignation of Officers

In the event that an OACM member or alternate should choose to resign from office, that member of alternated must submit an formal or informal letter of resignation to the Chair or Vice Chair. At the next meeting, the Chair shall handle the resignation under New Business. The subsequent vacancy shall be filled as outlined in the Constitution.

Impeachment of Officers

In order for an OACM officer to be impeached from office, four letters from current officers must be submitted to the Chair (or Vice Chair in the case of a Chair impeachment). At the next meeting, the Chair shall handle the impeachment under New Business (vice Chair in the case of a Chair impeachment). The Executive Council shall entertain a question and answer period with the officer in question. Witnesses may be present, with the approval of the Council. Following the question and answer period, the officer in questions shall be excused from the meeting and a discussion period shall ensue. Following the discussion the impeachment shall be put to a vote. In order for an impeachment to carry, they must accept the impeachment by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the remaining OACM officers. The subsequent vacancy shall be filled as outlined in Section in the Constitution.


  1. The Collegiate Advisor

    1. Must be a member of the faculty or staff of Olivet College.

    2. He/She maintains continuity, offers guidance, advises as to college procedures serves as a sounding board, assists officers, and is an all-around resource person.

    3. The term of office for the advisor is one year, renewable indefinitely.

  2. The Professional Advisor

    1. required by the national ACM, must not be a member of the Olivet College however this is heavily advised.

    2. This position is for a year renewable indefinitely.

  3. The Professional Advisor and the Collegiate Advisor are required to be filled before each academic year begins. Though the Professional Advisor does not also have to fill the Collegiate Advisor position or vice-versa.


  1. Types of Meetings

    1. Regular meetings will be held once biweekly during the academic year.

    2. Special meetings are defined as those meetings that take place outside of regularly scheduled meetings.

  2. Location and frequency of meetings

    1. Meetings will normally be held in (Mott, Room 112/303)

    2. Meetings will normally occur (Wednesday 10:10-10:40)

  3. Who May Call Meetings

    1. Regular meetings are called by the Chair and are called based upon a schedule determined at the beginning of each term/semester.

    2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the request of three members.

Ratification of the Constitution

  1. Adoption

    1. This constitution must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the members or by the Chair and Vice Chair during the 2018-2019 academic year.

    2. The Constitution will take effect once approved by the Advisor.

  2. Amendments

    1. During the 2018-2019 year, the constitution may be amended at the will of the Chair and Vice Chair, only if they agree upon the amendment. This amended can be contested by members and vetoed by a one-half (1/2) + 1 vote by the general members. Members will be informed of changes done in this way.

    2. Any member may propose an amendment. This proposed amendment must be in writing and presented at a regular meeting.

    3. Members must be notified that a vote will take place on an amendment at least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote is to occur.

    4. A voted on amendment will be taken at the next regular meeting to allow the membership to discuss and/or debate the pro and cons of the amendment. A two-thirds majority of the total membership is required for passage.

    5. The constitution will take effect once approved by the Advisor.


Ratified 9 - 12 - 2018