HC_SR04 x10 times smaller distance
Closed this issue · 5 comments
returning x10 smaller distance that it is
What version are you using, pure Java or JNI?
Have you seen the doc at https://github.com/OlivierLD/raspberry-pi4j-samples/blob/master/RangeSensor/README.md ?
What range of distances are you talking about?
I'm using JAVA.
I have 2 other java class for testing HC-SR04 and both return correct result. HC-SR04.java return exactly x10 smaller
My testet range was 187cm
I'll make some tests.
Could you send the java classes you use for testing?
Also see the document at https://github.com/OlivierLD/raspberry-pi4j-samples/blob/master/RangeSensor/README.md
Have you tried to use JNI_HC_SR04.java instead of HC_SR04.java ?
these classes return exact result
JNI_HC_SR04.java dindn't tested