
not full screen?

davemilter opened this issue · 7 comments

It basically works. I update my demo project https://github.com/davemilter/qt_ios_libs_bug.

But strange thing that the project looks different if compile with cmake and qmake.
The qmake project have no mention of full screen or something, it is just few lines: https://github.com/davemilter/qt_ios_libs_bug/blob/master/foo.pro

IMG_0188 PNG
IMG_0187 PNG

The same thing with https://github.com/OlivierLDff/QQuickStaticHelloWorld .

Is this because of basic plist is different? May be use the same by default that uses qmake ?

QMake is doing of stuff under the hood for you. It's kind of hard to know everything to mimic. What is you testing emulator? iPad?

add_qt_ios_app have lot's of options, maybe i should put some as default.
I think you should have a look to


I tried the example project on iphone, and it was full screen.
I remember having your issue while developing this library. I'll try on my side to see which flag is required for full screen, and set it as default. I think it is nice to have a working app out of the box.

SUPPORT_IPAD was what was missing from my testing.
I changed the default to Universal instead of iPhone, so default function call will work as qmake.
Is it doing the trick for you?

What is you testing emulator? iPad?

I just use my real iPad, no emulators.

Ok i don't have any ios stuff with because of corona, but the new default is working for me in iPad emulator. Is it working for you?

It is working on real iPad. Full screen the same as qmake.

But Xcode gives warning during compilation:

All interface orientations must be supported unless the app requires full screen.

The code that I tried: https://github.com/davemilter/qt_ios_libs_bug

Yes this is normal since you are not putting any of those flags:


Checkout the readme of this repository to choose the one that fit your need. And i don't think of those flags should be default. It's up to the user of qt_add_ios_app to set the option he needs.

I you check you cmake log, i raise also lots of warnings about options you are not setting.

So you have 2 choices, either you set the flag in your CMakeLists.txt:

# ...

Or you fix them by hand once xcode project is loaded.

But maybe it could be nice to set UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait as the default if user don't provide any flag. I will do that.

I consider the issue close. Feel free to reopen if more question.