
Compatibility with Android Studio 3.2.1

edityomurti opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi Olivier,

Does this plugin compatible with Android Studio 3.2.1?

I try to install this plugin from disk because this plugin not available in "Install JetBrains plugin.." and "Browse repositories..."
I already tried to select the zip and jar file, then I got error message saying Error Plugin 'Activity Watcher' is incompatible with this installation.
error install plugin

Hi @edityomurti

this plugin is available since 183.4284 of jetbrains tool if Android Studio 3.2.1 is based on lower version it will be incompatible.

If the version is good on https://developer.android.com/studio/#downloads it's based on 181.5056 so not compatible for plugin requirement.

The plugin can work on 181.* I will try to fix that asap.

You can use IDEA 183 (2018.3)+ Android if you need that plugin now.

Hi @edityomurti
Can you test v1.0.5.181 ? v1.0.7?

If good it will be avaible from Android sutdio when jetbrains accept the version.


v1.0.7 was approved by jetbrains so you can install it from plugin search.

v1.0.7 is working and already available in repository.

thank you.