
Use Local Memory Type Variable Instead of Global Storage Type Variable in Event to Save Gas

Ether1oop opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, we recently have conducted a systematic study about Solidity event usage, evolution, and impact, and we are attempting to build a tool to improve the practice of Solidity event use based on our findings. We have tried our prototype tool on some of the most popular GitHub Solidity repositories, and for your repository, we find a potential optimization of gas consumption arisen from event use.

The point is that when we use emit operation to store the value of a certain variable, local memory type variable would be preferable to global storage type (state) variable if they hold the same value. The reason is that an extra SLOAD operation would be needed to access the variable if it is storage type, and the SLOAD operation costs 800 gas.

For your repository, we find that the following event use can be improved:

  • sOlympusERC20.sol
    function name:initialize
    event name:  Transfer  LogStakingContractUpdated
    variable:    stakingContract->_stakingContract
    function initialize(address _stakingContract, address _treasury) external {
        require(msg.sender == initializer, "Initializer:  caller is not initializer");

        require(_stakingContract != address(0), "Staking");
        stakingContract = _stakingContract;
        _gonBalances[stakingContract] = TOTAL_GONS;

        require(_treasury != address(0), "Zero address: Treasury");
        treasury = _treasury;

        emit Transfer(address(0x0), stakingContract, _totalSupply);
        emit LogStakingContractUpdated(stakingContract);

        initializer = address(0);
  • OlympusAuthority.sol
    function name:constructor
    event name:  GovernorPushed    GuardianPushed    PolicyPushed    VaultPushed
    variable:    governor->_governor  guardian->_guardian  policy->_policy    vault->_vault
        address _governor,
        address _guardian,
        address _policy,
        address _vault
    ) OlympusAccessControlled(IOlympusAuthority(address(this))) {
        governor = _governor;
        emit GovernorPushed(address(0), governor, true);
        guardian = _guardian;
        emit GuardianPushed(address(0), guardian, true);
        policy = _policy;
        emit PolicyPushed(address(0), policy, true);
        vault = _vault;
        emit VaultPushed(address(0), vault, true);

  function name:pushGovernor
  event name:  GovernorPushed
  variable:    newGovernor->_newGovernor

    function pushGovernor(address _newGovernor, bool _effectiveImmediately) external onlyGovernor {
        if (_effectiveImmediately) governor = _newGovernor;
        newGovernor = _newGovernor;
        emit GovernorPushed(governor, newGovernor, _effectiveImmediately);

  function name:pushGuardian
  event name:  GuardianPushed
  variable:    newGuardian->_newGuardian

    function pushGuardian(address _newGuardian, bool _effectiveImmediately) external onlyGovernor {
        if (_effectiveImmediately) guardian = _newGuardian;
        newGuardian = _newGuardian;
        emit GuardianPushed(guardian, newGuardian, _effectiveImmediately);

  function name:pushPolicy
  event name:  PolicyPushed
  variable:    newPolicy->_newPolicy

    function pushPolicy(address _newPolicy, bool _effectiveImmediately) external onlyGovernor {
        if (_effectiveImmediately) policy = _newPolicy;
        newPolicy = _newPolicy;
        emit PolicyPushed(policy, newPolicy, _effectiveImmediately);

  function name:pushVault
  event name:  VaultPushed
  variable:    newVault->_newVault

    function pushVault(address _newVault, bool _effectiveImmediately) external onlyGovernor {
        if (_effectiveImmediately) vault = _newVault;
        newVault = _newVault;
        emit VaultPushed(vault, newVault, _effectiveImmediately);
  • Timelock.sol
    function name:setDelay
    event name:  NewDelay
    variable:    delay->delay_
    function setDelay(uint256 delay_) public {
        require(msg.sender == address(this), "Timelock::setDelay: Call must come from Timelock.");
        require(delay_ >= MINIMUM_DELAY, "Timelock::setDelay: Delay must exceed minimum delay.");
        require(delay_ <= MAXIMUM_DELAY, "Timelock::setDelay: Delay must not exceed maximum delay.");
        delay = delay_;

        emit NewDelay(delay);

  function name:setPendingAdmin
  event name:  NewPendingAdmin
  variable:    pendingAdmin->pendingAdmin_

    function setPendingAdmin(address pendingAdmin_) public {
        require(msg.sender == address(this), "Timelock::setPendingAdmin: Call must come from Timelock.");
        pendingAdmin = pendingAdmin_;

        emit NewPendingAdmin(pendingAdmin);

Do you find our results useful? Your reply and invaluable suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and are vital for improving our tool. Thanks a lot for your time!