
Get PID of executed process

CraftrDoinTech opened this issue · 18 comments

Describe your problem

It's supposed to open a bat file that runs a JS file that connects to the websocket server, I'm using an Ubuntu operating system, and I also tried running the server using sudo but it still won't run the start.bat for the JS file


Skript: 2.5.3
Server: 1.16.5
Skent: 3.0.0


on load:
    start websocket server "main" at port 4810

websocket server "main":
    on message:
        if event-string is "test":
            send "test string recieved" to all players
    on open:
        send "opened websocket connection" to all players
    on start:
        execute file path "plugins/webserver/start.bat"
on chat:
    websocket send "%event-player%~~!~~!~~%event-player's UUID%~~!~~!~~%message%" through all websockets of server at port 4810



Olyno commented

Hi,thanks you for the report.
You can't execute a .bat file on a Ubuntu OS. Batch files are native to Windows.
If you're using a .sh file instead, be sure the file is executable (chmod +x yourfile.sh). You can make some checks using the %path% is executable condition of Skent.

Hi,thanks you for the report.
You can't execute a .bat file on a Ubuntu OS. Batch files are native to Windows.
If you're using a .sh file instead, be sure the file is executable (chmod +x yourfile.sh). You can make some checks using the %path% is executable condition of Skent.

That would explain it, thank you
I'm still new to using Linux as more than just a console for running Javascript or Python files, and am grateful for the learning experience

I'd also like to ask, is there a way to kill a process with Skent?

I'd also like to ask, is there a way to kill a process with Skent?

I looked it up on skripthub and there is a way, sorry for the trouble

I'm trying everything I can but I can't figure out where to get the process ID when I start it

Olyno commented

That's right, currently you can't get the pid of a running process from Skent, so you can't stop a process that you ran (which is obviously stupid). I change this issue in feature request then.

I'd also like to mention that starting a process even with chmod +x yourfilename.sh does nothing, it doesn't give the permissions error but it doesn't run the process and lags out the console, and takes 30 seconds or so for it to say that I issued the command /startbot

I'd also like to mention that starting a process even with chmod +x yourfilename.sh does nothing, it doesn't give the permissions error but it doesn't run the process and lags out the console, and takes 30 seconds or so for it to say that I issued the command /startbot

It might be running the process but it's not connecting to the websocket server so I highly doubt it's running it

Olyno commented

I'm gonna have a better look in later, thanks you for details

No problem, always happy to help and give feedback to help improve things

Are you going to add a way to include arguments in the file execution? For example:

execute file path "start.sh" with arguments "testname testpassword testtoken"


execute file path "start.sh" with arguments "testname", "testpass", and "testtoken"


execute file path "test.js" with arguments "testusername"

and I haven't checked yet, but does the file execution support only sh/bat files or can I do .js or .py files as well?

you need to add support for console commands as well because at the moment there is no way to run NodeJS javascript files without a .sh or .bat file
because you run NodeJS files by putting "node filename.js" in a console or .sh or .bat file

and like I said before, running .sh files don't even do anything in Skent except for lag console, even with the right permisssions

Olyno commented

I gonna think about that. Remember there is some security concerns with this idea (e.g rm -rf *)

I gonna think about that. Remember there is some security concerns with this idea (e.g rm -rf *)

If someone has access to skript files, I think they're gonna have access to the console, so they'd just do it in the console anyways if they wanted to rm -rf to grief someone's server

also: another enhancement suggestion
a JSON file for skript permissions in certain script files

  "files.sk": ["read files", "write to files", "create files"],
  "world.sk": ["operator"],
  "moderation.sk": ["kick", "ban", "ip-ban", "pardon"],
  "portals.sk": ["teleport"]
Olyno commented
  1. This is not related to the initial issue, please create another issue for that.
  2. Skent's goal is not to manage json data. Please use right addon for that (skript-json)
Olyno commented

Closing because already existing: last [started] process. Not existing in the docs, so will be updated for the next version. Please reopen this issue if the docs is not updated for Skent 3.2.0