
"Plugins (access denied)"

VisoXC opened this issue · 4 comments

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I was trying to get the "download" feature of skent to work, but it didn't work so I checked the console and it told me that the access to my plugins folder was denied. If the code I wrote was wrong, it would be nice, if you could show me how it's done properly.


Skript: Skript v2.7.3
Server: 1.20.4 (git-Paper-370)
Skent: Skent 3.2.2


    download from "https://ci.ender.zone/job/EssentialsX/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jars/EssentialsX-2.21.0-dev+25-fbfd7e9.jar" to dir path "plugins"




This error means you don't have access to the plugins directory. This is probably due to a misconfiguration on your server or something planned if you're using a server provider.

Unfortunately, if you can't fix this permission issue on your side, it means you can't at all.


so you said I don't have permission, to access the plugins folder? Thats weird, because I am hosting the server on my PC and I just made a new server, without any plugins or changed settings. But it still doesn't work....

Do you know of a way to fix that, or is it even a problem on my end?

Edit: I should probably also add, that I do have access to the plugins folder.

I just found your issue. Skent download's effect does not work with directories directly. It means, you need to do something like that instead:

    download from "https://ci.ender.zone/job/EssentialsX/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jars/EssentialsX-2.21.0-dev+25-fbfd7e9.jar" to file path "EssentialsX-2.21.0-dev+25-fbfd7e9.jar"

This code should work.

Thanks! That actually fixed the issue :D